clk : IN STD_LOGIC ); END array_test; ARCHITECTURE behavioural OF array_test IS --define a 16 bit array constant matrix_num: integer := 49; TYPE matrix_index is array (matrix_num downto 0) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal receive_data, send_data: matrix_index; signal sen...
Default parameter values and BDF instance parameter values do not have an explicitly declared type. Usually, theQuartus® Primesoftware can correctly infer the type from the value without ambiguity. For example, theQuartus® Primesoftware interprets “ABC” as a string,123as an integer, ...
The X will be a number 0-3, and determines the opcode of the instruction, which controls which accelerator an instruction will be routed to. Therd,rs1, andrs2fields are the register numbers of the destination register and two source registers. Thefunctfield is a 7-bit integer that the ...