: Can you try heading to Settings > General > Smart Features > Autorun Last app, and set this to 'On'. With this feature enabled, the TV will automatically default to the last app you were using when you switch on the TV. I hope this helps. ...
ActionAllAppsNotificationSettings ActionApnSettings ActionApplicationDetailsSettings ActionApplicationDevelopmentSettings ActionApplicationSettings ActionAppLocaleSettings ActionAppNotificationBubbleSettings ActionAppNotificationSettings ActionAppOpenByDefaultSettings ActionAppSearchSettings ActionAppUsageSettings ActionAutoRotateSetti...
ActionAppNotificationBubbleSettings ActionAppNotificationSettings ActionAppOpenByDefaultSettings ActionAppSearchSettings ActionAppUsageSettings ActionAutoRotateSettings ActionBatterySaverSettings ActionBiometricEnroll ActionBluetoothSettings ActionCaptioningSettings ActionCastSettings ActionChannelNotificationSettings ActionCondition...
Android Studio对于hot swap这种情况默认是重启Activity的,当然你也可以到设置中去改变这一默认行为,具体路径是 Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run -> Restart activity on code changes。 cold swap的适用条件非常多,下面我列出一个详细的清单,有哪些情况会被Android Studio视为cold swap类型:...
To change the default apps in Windows 11, you can simply rely on the Settings app. Another way to achieve your goal is to use the Open with menu when trying to run the file. Configuring app defaults isn’t hard, but you'll need to do that for each file type individually in this ve...
How to Change Default App Settings Every time I try to "open in app" a .xlsx file, it opens in Excel Mobile. I just want to open it in Excel. Where can I adjust these preferences? Teams doesn't seem to let me choose which app to open ......
Settings app URI scheme Use thems-settings:URI scheme tolaunch the Windows Settings app. Launching to the Settings app is an important part of writing a privacy-aware app. If your app can't access a sensitive resource, we recommend providing the user a convenient link to the privacy settings...
The process used to be much more complicated, but Google has turned managing default apps into an effortless task. It’s baked right into the settings. How to manage default apps on Android: Open theSettingsapp on your Android phone.
ClickDefault app settingsin the results. UnderDefault apps, scroll down toWeb browser. Change the browser toOpera. Opera is now the default browser for your Windows 10 computer. To pin Opera to your taskbar: OpenOpera. In the taskbar on your computer, right-click the Opera icon. ...
Actually, according to this concern, Apple gives users the choice to set a different app as the default program to access particular objects. That is to say, you can change the way you open a specific item by modifying some settings on your device.How to set default apps on Macthen? Rea...