PowerApps SharePoint Reply View Full Discussion (16 Replies)Show Parent Replies JDeAraujo Copper ContributorMay 03, 2022 Sorry to bump an old discussion, but I've had success by referring to the SharePointIntegration object to get the Selected item.SharePointInteg...
Create view _Skills with email and add this as a connection to PowerApps. Then the filter will be easy to use directly on the Combobox, Power Automate is not needed anymore (I would prefer this approach). 2) in your stored procedure also add t...
Create view _Skills with email and add this as a connection to PowerApps. Then the filter will be easy to use directly on the Combobox, Power Automate is not needed anymore (I would prefer this approach). 2) in your stored procedure also add t...
The following table lists selected properties for the Custom Control Default Config (CustomControlDefaultConfig) table.Expand table PropertyValue DisplayName Custom Control Default Config DisplayCollectionName Custom Control Default Configs SchemaName CustomControlDefaultConfig CollectionSchemaName CustomC...
So I cant use Gallery1.selectedIt looks like i may have to create a view in the Database that does a left join to the other table, and then bring that field into the Powerapps visual. 🙄 Message 5 of 5 1,074 Views 0 Reply v-rongtiep-msft Community Support 01-13-2022 ...
To specify a custom action when a table record is selected, you'll do the following: Create a web resource to perform the action. Create a custom button on the form by editing the customization.xml file Import the customization.xml file ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":2943342,"subject":"PowerApps Form Default Date as Selected Date from Calendar View","id":"message:2943342","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":16,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1103665"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false...
So I cant use Gallery1.selectedIt looks like i may have to create a view in the Database that does a left join to the other table, and then bring that field into the Powerapps visual. 🙄 Message 5 of 5 1,071 Views 0 Reply v-rongtiep-msft Community Support 01-13-2022 ...
Email:ComboBox10.Selected.Mail, JobTitle:"", Picture:"" } on Re: Set current user as default value of Person or Group field Dears, I have a Created BY datacard which is a Person Group field type but combo box in powerapps. Kindly help me to get ...
}, ThisItem.PersonField) Ok, how do I do the same to aPersontype column (DataCard with a Combo box in PowerApps)? This{'@odata.type':"#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedReference",Value:""}doesn't work. However, the same function works perfectly on...