Posted Field 'region_id' doesn't have a default value 3295 den belbek July 24, 2009 05:59AM Re: Field 'region_id' doesn't have a default value 1910 Paul Svirin September 03, 2009 08:48AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. ...
The CICS default user ID identifies the user whose security attributes are used to protect CICS resources in the absence of other, more specific, user identification.
RegionId string 是 地域ID。可以调用 DescribeRegions 获取无影云电脑支持的地域列表。 cn-hangzhou FileSystemId string 是 NAS 文件系统 ID。 04f314*** MountTargetDomain string 是 挂载点域名。 0bf744***-xo*** 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object 返回对象。 RequestId str...
acs:oos:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:patchbaseline/{#patchbaselineName} 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 RegionId string 否 地域ID。 cn-hangzhou Name string 是 补丁基线名称。 MyPatchBaseline 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object RequestId string 请求ID。 D6850689-348D-59FC-AE13-BB0EDB7C4...
Use the cicsdefault command to restore an archive copy of the resource definitions from the default CICS® region. Syntax cicsdefault -r regionName [-g groupId] [-v] [-S] [-F] cicsdefault -? Prerequisites You must be a member of the group cics. You must be logged on as a user ...
RegionId string 是 模板所属的地域 ID。您可以调用 DescribeRegions 查看最新的阿里云地域列表。 cn-hangzhou LaunchTemplateId string 否 启动模板 ID。您必须指定 LaunchTemplateId 或 LaunchTemplateName 以确定模板。 lt-s-bp177juajht6*** LaunchTemplateName string 否 启动模板名称。您必须指定 LaunchTemplate...
CheckSceneIdCallback InstantPublishCallback PgsCloseCallback 返回码 游戏高光时刻 Package Summary Overview GameReplayManager Overview ReplayCallback Overview InitParam RecordPar...
Forestry issues in the Guiana shield region: a perspective on Guyana and Suriname recently fallen dramatically, due largely to the depressive effect of the Asian economic crisis on tropical timber prices and to the fall in the gold ... P Haden,European Commission, Brussels,Overseas Development Ins...
GeoRegionPropertiesOutput GetArrayType GetPage. GetPublishingUser GetPublishingUser200Response GetPublishingUserdefaultResponse GetPublishingUserParameters GetSourceControl GetSourceControl200Response GetSourceControldefaultResponse GetSourceControlParameters GetSubscriptionDeploymentLocations GetSubscriptionDeploymentLocations...