I did set the username and password, and then randocker-compose up -d. Still no luck. I have not hit a problem like this with Grafana but I did run into a problem in PiHole that sounds quite like this one. I explained what I had found in#73. Look for the comment starting with ...
We should encourage users to change the pi user password when installing. If OP is acting as access point it is not a problem because you have to know the network password but if it is connected to the marina router and you do not set a VNC password, anyone could find out your IP an...
This is notreallya problem here as we also haventp.sync.rtc.utcto control whether the RTC should be set to, well, UTC (true) or local time (false), however, there exists no standardized way to obtain if the RTCis meantto be set in local time or not. The RTC itself doesn't know ...
# / #upstream { # # Cannot connect to network 'dockerpihole_default' of this container # # Fallback entry # server down; #} #server { # server_name ; # access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log vhost; # listen 80 default_server; # include /etc/nginx/vhost.d/; # location...
image: pihole:${PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG}-amd64-${DEBIAN_VERSION:-bullseye} build: context: . args: <<: *common-args PIHOLE_BASE: ghcr.io/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole-base:${DEBIAN_VERSION:-buster}-slim PIHOLE_BASE: ghcr.io/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole-base:${DEBIAN_VERSION:-bullseye}-slim ...