I have a problem with default character set. I have XAMPP 1.7.3 installed on WinXP. Despite the default-character-set=utf8 entries for both server and client, i can't insert and display properly polish special chars. Only when I call mysql_query('SET NAMES utf8'); from PHP script, di...
Mitel system password Mobotix admin meinsm Mole admin admin Motive admin isee Motorola 0000 Motorola admin motorola Motorola admin password Motorola cablecom router Motorola service smile Motorola setup Motorola technician yZgO8Bvj Mutare admin Muze admin muze MySQL admin@example.com admin MySQL root ...
Mitel system password Mobotix admin meinsm Mole admin admin Motive admin isee Motorola 0000 Motorola admin motorola Motorola admin password Motorola cablecom router Motorola service smile Motorola setup Motorola technician yZgO8Bvj Mutare admin Muze admin muze MySQL admin@example.com admin MySQL root ...
Download the MySQL version less than5.6.5. You’ll get this as part ofXAMPP 1.8.0, or other means. Now, use the following SQL to create asite_userstable in the database: CREATETABLEsite_users(user_idINTNOTNULLAUTO_INCREMENT,usernameVARCHAR(255)NOTNULLUNIQUE,user_firstnameVARCHAR(255)NOTNUL...
Step 1: Please type in the root password. This may be your password. Reboot the server if required. Step 2:CTRL+Dand try again to reboot if it fails again. Step 3: PressCTRL+ALT+DELETEwhich will reboot the server Step 4: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, restart the se...
【XAMPP】MySQL Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly 解决 2019-12-10 17:21 − 使用XMAPP V3.2.2,第一次启动正常,第二次启动MYSQL失败 17:10:26 [mysql] Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly. 17:10:26 [mysql] This may be due to a blocked port, missing d... Dili_iiii 0 4214 default(T...
One place for all the default credentials to assist the Blue/Red teamers activities on finding devices with default password 🛡️ - DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet/DefaultCreds_db.json at main · Pierre-Gronau-ndaal/DefaultCreds-cheat-sheet
Mitel,system,password Mobotix,admin,meinsm Mole,admin,admin Motive,admin,isee Motorola,,0000 Motorola,admin,motorola Motorola,admin,password Motorola,cablecom,router Motorola,service,smile Motorola,setup, Motorola,technician,yZgO8Bvj Mutare,,admin Muze,admin,muze MySQL,admin@example...
Mitel system password Mobotix admin meinsm Mole admin admin Motive admin isee Motorola 0000 Motorola admin motorola Motorola admin password Motorola cablecom router Motorola service smile Motorola setup Motorola technician yZgO8Bvj Mutare admin Muze admin muze MySQL admin@example.com admin MySQL root ...
Mitel system password Mobotix admin meinsm Mole admin admin Motive admin isee Motorola 0000 Motorola admin motorola Motorola admin password Motorola cablecom router Motorola service smile Motorola setup Motorola technician yZgO8Bvj Mutare admin Muze admin muze MySQL admin@example.com admin MySQL root ...