As the docs clearly state Lazy requires a user to set their mapleader before starting Lazy in order for the keys to work correctly. But Lazy doesn't take into consideration the default behavior of VIM which is: If "g:mapleader" is not set or empty, a backslash is used instead. That ...
"vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [ { "before": ["<leader>", "a"], "commands": ["workbench.action.quickOpen"] } ] I bind quickOpen to other key 👍 1 davdmoo mentioned this issue Sep 12, 2023 Conflict with 'CTRL + P' #8581 Open gregrobsonoxb commented Sep 12, 2023 Thank ...
importorg.apache.camel.impl.DefaultProducerTemplate;//导入依赖的package包/类publicConsulLeaderElectorbuild()throwsException{ Objects.requireNonNull(camelContext,"No CamelContext provided!");finalProducerTemplate producerTemplate =DefaultProducerTemplate.newInstance(camelContext, ConsulLeaderElector.CONTROLBUS_ROUTE);f...
isLeaderBytesInAndOutRatioDiverseEnough();double[][] sampleBytesRateData = aggregateSampleBytesRateData(ignoreLeaderBytesOutRate);intleaderBytesInIndex =0;intleaderBytesOutIndex =1;intfollowerBytesInIndex = ignoreLeaderBytesOutRate ?1:2;for(inti =0; i < sampleBytesRateData.length; i++) {intle...
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 1 .config/nvim/ftplugin/c.vim Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ setlocal noexpandtab setlocal shiftwidth=8 setlocal tabstop=8 call init#init#c#main() nnoremap <silent><buffer> <LocalLeader>e :<C-U>CocComm...
nmap <unique> <Leader>z <Plug>Zeavim endif endif if !hasmapto('<Plug>ZVVisSelection') vmap <unique> <Leader>z <Plug>ZVVisSelection if empty(mapcheck('<Leader>z', 'v')) vmap <unique> <Leader>z <Plug>ZVVisSelection endif endif if !hasmapto('<Plug>ZVKeyDocset') nmap <unique> ...
publicstaticvoidSavePropertiesBagItem(DefaultContextdb,stringkey,stringvalue,boolsaveChangesToDb){lock(LockPropertiesBags) { PropertiesBag propertiesBag = _propertiesBags.SingleOrDefault(pb => pb.Key.Equals(key));if(propertiesBag ==null) { propertiesBag =newPropertiesBag { Key = key, Value =value}...
HttpResponseUtil.setExceptionResponse(resp, Strings.keyValuesToJson("action","submitJob"),"submit error", e); } } 开发者ID:lgnlgn,项目名称:feluca,代码行数:24,代码来源 示例14: failure ▲点赞 3▼ importorg.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpResponse;//导入依赖的...
.nixpkgs/vim-config/default.nix Go to file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 155 lines (135 sloc)4.54 KB RawBlame {pkgs}: let my_plugins=import./plugins.nix{inherit(pkgs)vimUtilsfetchFromGitHub; }; inwithpkgs;neovim.override{ ...
I had left the emacs fold for about 6 months and went back to vim. But I needed to spend a bunch of time in org-mode recently and I decided to try spacemacs. Loving it (other than the org default) so far. syl20bnr added Enhancement ☺ and removed Question User Configuration labels...