1. 解释“.default is not a constructor”错误的含义 错误“.default is not a constructor”通常出现在JavaScript(尤其是使用ES6模块或Webpack等模块打包工具时)中,表明你尝试将一个模块的默认导出当作构造函数来调用,但实际上该默认导出并不是一个构造函数。这可能是因为导出或导入的方式不正确,或者是对导出内容...
jQuery.Deferred exception: i.default is not a constructor TypeError: i.default is not a constructor at t.createPagination (http://localhost:8080/js/tui/tui-grid.min.js:7:333448) at t.componentDidMount (http://localhost:8080/js/tui/tui-grid.min.js:7:332635) at S (http://localhost:808...
报错样式: 情况一 1.问题描述: 使用webpack构建Vue单页面应用项目,项目运行时,浏览器报“Uncaught TypeError: WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__router.a is not a constructor”,组件中的内容也不能正常显示,<router-link :to="{path:'animal'}">to animal</router-link>也不能正常出现<a>标签的效果。页面时空...
I still have the same problem. It is not solve. I did { module:"commonjs" } in tsconfig import Web3 from 'web3'; const web3 = new Web3( RPC_PROVIDER ); I still get the same error TypeError: web3_1.default is not a constructorAuthor...
TypeError: _main.default is not a constructor 烁2022-10-20874浏览框架类型 问题类型 操作系统 工具版本 小游戏 Bug Windows 1.06.2209190 类型错误:_main.default 不是构造函数 在游戏中.js?[平方米]:3 at l (VM120 WA游戏子上下文.js:2) 在<匿名>:1:1 当所有脚本加载时 (游戏.js:40) 在脚本...
vue.js项目运行时界面空白,报_vueRouter2.default is not a constructor错误。Uncaught TypeError: _vueRouter2.default is not a constructor at Object.<anonymous> (router.js:24) at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap c0f0e95…:52) at Object.<anonymous> (entry.js:2) at __webpack_require__ (boot...
在执行npm run dev时出现_vueRouter2.default is not a constructor Uncaught TypeError: _vueRouter2.default is not a constructor at Object.eval (eval at <anonymous> (build.js:1195), <anonymous>:64:14) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (build.js:1195), <anonymous>:93:30) at Object.<...
在执行npm run dev时出现_vueRouter2.default is not a constructor Uncaught TypeError: _vueRouter2.default is not a constructor at Object.eval (eval at <anonymous> (build.js:1195), <anonymous>:64:14) at eval (eval at <anonymous> (build.js:1195), <anonymous>:93:30) at Object.<anonymous...
TypeError: chart_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.default is not a constructor 项目中用到了chart.js vue-chart "chart.js": "^2.9.4", "vue-chartjs": "^3.5.1" 原因是安装chart.js的时候版本是3.5.1将chart.js卸掉后 执行npm i chart.js@2 -S...
I got this error in the browser: TypeError: i.default is not a constructor My package.json { "name": "gltfloader-test", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "tsc && webpack --mode=development" }...