1.default-information originate 必须要在本地配置默认路由,然后广播到OSPF区域。标记O*E2. default-information originate always不需要在本地配置默认路由,也可以广播到OSPF区域。 2.如果没有配置always,并且默认路由是抖动的,那么OSPF需要在每次默认路由抖动时,向OSPF区域发送更新。 如果使用always,则减少对OSPF数据库...
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> default-information originate without always, because the router > would never have a local default to meet the ALWAYS condition. In > that case, you'd have to have BGP or a static route specify it, and > redistribute that route into OSPF. If the ASBR was default-free (who hasn't ...