The converter uses 90 as default FOV and in the notes it says that you have to use the fov_cs_debug in the FOV field to get correct calculations. This is wrong however. You have to put 75 in the FOV field since that is the game's default FOV(and max FOV). My 360 rotation dista...
NLP has become an increasingly valuable tool for studying the human language systems implemented in the human brain. Several studies have used advanced NLP techniques to build association maps between language features and brain activity. The diverse set of experimental tasks include predicting movie sce...
There is a grenade attached to the left arm; however, this can only be seen with a FOV changer. In multiplayer if the player tries to switch to another weapon or use scorestreaks while holding the weapon, their console will freeze. This is caused by the Default Weapon not having a ...
Imaging acquisition and processing Structural MRI at time 1 was acquired during natural nocturnal sleep [40] on a 3 Tesla Siemens Trio with an 8-channel head-coil (T1-weighted MPRAGE. TR 2170 ms, TE 4.86 ms, FOV 256, 192 sagittal slices, 1.0-mm slice thickness, 8:46 acquisition time)....
T1-weighted 3D MPRAGE anatomical imaging was performed using twofold in-plane GRAPPA acceleration with isotropic 1 mm spatial resolution (TR/TE/FA = 2300 ms/3 ms/9°; FOV = 256 × 256 mm). Stimulus data processing To assess the specific characteristics of vibrato in the ...
5 min. The gradient echo field map was acquired with repetition time of 603 ms, echo times of 4.92 ms (TE 1) and 7.38 ms (TE 2), flip angle of 60°, 62 slices, FOV of 210 mm, 2 × 2 × 2 mm3, with 10% gap between slices and anterior to posterior phase ...
=TDZA7NNB#5UUAUgNzIE$KW zjhL4L7foVqVpg8c=FI&4x}!&z{S|8@HBNEU+K^oU<_P{<;WFzMuYiv-PNO&FPCoRZ z!Jm1Q{Y~q4ORiI`dgWqh3lbZJR3Z{>h8?aB-M _a|HPQ6BW~l zoEb8v&ezBnuS1DoYz+=CIJN`yXY@zN;{ahp+P&s_4V(v&cJ!dC7y61WjvbM086;iq z#y4&_lxG$La^wBX&XvRPA2xy#Zv3_#Hv...
Functional images were acquired on a 3 T Siemens Trio scanner using a T2*-sensitive gradient echo pulse sequence: 154 whole-brain volumes, 43 slices, TR/TE/FOV/flip angle/voxel size = 2000/31 ms/256 × 256 mm/90°/3 mm isotropic. Seven children (5 TDC) received an alternate sequence...
(TR = 2000 ms, TE = 30 ms, flip angle = 78°, 32 axial slices, 3.5 × 3.5 × 4.0 mm, distance factor 0%, FoV = 192 × 192 mm, interleaved slice ordering) and corrected online for head motion. The first two volumes were discarded to ...