Contribute your thoughts in this article’s forum!Susan Bradley is the publisher of the AskWoody newsletters.The AskWoody Newsletters are published by AskWoody Tech LLC, Fresno, CA USA. Publisher: Susan Bradley ( Editor: Will Fastie ( Your subscription...
Contribute your thoughts in this article’s forum!Susan Bradley is the publisher of the AskWoody newsletters.The AskWoody Newsletters are published by AskWoody Tech LLC, Fresno, CA USA. Publisher: Susan Bradley ( Editor: Will Fastie ( Your subscription...
Better Item Sorting里面已经添加了标识符所以keyNuker and keyRing的esp也可以省去)✎2.) Better ...
1.1 !"#$%&'() ó$,ôë² RDE,õö¬÷4dYøùúû ]Ôü×'ýþpk,<Òÿ!"t#$?YH %&Õ''(,[\)t*+mn^_'`a-. /0,o, m n x y | A ë ² * S $ '. !¶-.å®Â/»Ûmnxy...
bfg does read pk files if thats what you mean. and no that would just make loading slower. ReplyGood karma+1 vote silentjacket-Apr 6 2017- 54 comments after some tinkering, I finally got a crash report, I hope this helps ...
" set term=linux set mouse=a set nocp set showcmd set so=5 set laststatus=0 " set gdbprg=/opt/gdb74/bin/cross-gdb " variables for packages develop let s:device = "none" let s:nfsroot = $NFSROOT let s:devlist = ['pkta', 'pktb', 'pktc', 'pktd', 'pkte', 'pktf',...
你以为开会叫forum、summit就算大了,人家叫Conclave(收到邀请别以为是让你去选教皇或参加什么秘密会议,也许就是个驻德里办宣介会或披肩展销会) 如果有机会住度假村,记得单层小别墅叫Bungalow(正宗的English word with Indian origin) 路边碰到乞讨的,不叫...
岗位职责: 1.能够BOSS直聘处理NFC项目问题; 2.能够开发NFC需求; 岗位要求 1.kanzhun熟悉Android NFC、eSE模块开发流程,了解NFC来自BOSS直聘Forum协议; 2.熟练使用Java/C++/C编程语言,有良好的编程能力;熟练使用git/An直聘droid RS;Studio等开发工具; 3.语言表达逻辑清晰,积极主动,乐于学习,有一定抗压能力,有责任...
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