free and informed consent 中文的知情同意已经包含了自由和充分告知,但本文更加强调不受任何外在不当影响和充分告知的知情同意。译为“自由和充分的知情同意” capable of giving informed consent 有能力做出知情同意 incapable of giving free and informed con...
Abstract:At present, it is difficult to implement the withdrawal of informed consent system involving human biological samples in China. The essential reason is that legislators overemphasize the protection of autonomy, privacy and other values ...
The service provides independent, highly robust and relied upon reporting of prices, the latest market-moving news and deals, valuable market commentary and actionable insight. We empower market participants to make informed business decisions through: Independent, highly robust and relied upon weekly ...
The animal experiments were carried out after the owner's permission. Written informed consent was provided by each cat owner for the treatments. 展开 DOI: 10.21203/ 年份: 2021 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 ResearchGate 相似文献...
The service provides independent, highly robust and relied upon reporting of prices, the latest market-moving news and deals, valuable market commentary and actionable insight. We empower market participants to make informed business decisions through: Independent, highly robust and relied upon weekly ...
签署知情同意书(informed consent); 根据此规范,读者可以判断研究结果可以应用到什么人群。 Item4b.数据收集的环境及地点: 背景和地点影响试验的外部真实性; 应报告研究地点的数量、研究参与者,以及开展研究的具体地点和环境,包括国家、城市、直接环境(如社区、诊所、医院门诊或住院部); 应报告研究是单中心的,还是多...
Before enroll- ment, all participants were informed of the study objectives, and completed an informed consent form. Patients All volunteers were unrelated males born to Thai par- ents. Twenty healthy controls were recruited who car- ried no infections, and had no underlying disease or CVD risk...
B. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples C. Free, Prior and Informed Consent D. Multilateral Agency Adherence to the UN 查看完整题目与答案 施工定额的编制对象是某一合格施工过程或工序。 A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 氨基苷类抗生素主要分布于细胞外液,且不能透过血脑...
对实践中的伦理和道德问题做出正确判断,做到知情同意,保护病人隐私;对病人尊重,倡导病人的权益,并充分解释遗传咨询人员自身,以及医学检测等各个方面的局限性,以及这种局限性可能产生的隐患。’ScopeofPractice 3 遗传咨询的分类 遗传咨询工作人员 临床实验室遗传咨询工作人员 临床门诊...
We have previously identified deflamin, an oligomeric protein isolated from the white lupine seeds (Lupinus albus) with anti-MMPs and anti-inflammatory properties. Given the involvement of MMPs and inflammation in the carcinogenesis process, we aimed to assess deflamin’s role in cancer development ...