% 定义目标函数 function z = objectiveFunction(vars) x = vars(1); y = vars(2); z = -(x^2 + y^2); % 注意这里取了负 end 设置初始点,并调用优化函数: 设置一个初始点,然后调用 fminunc 或fmincon 来求解转化后的最小值问题。 matlab % 初始点 x0 = [0, 0]; % 调用fminunc求解最小值...
Inputs can be optimvars or optimexpr, but in the function, they can be used as if they were doubles. Outputs from the function can again be doubles, and constraints using the outputs can be defined using the outputs in the calling pro...
Evaluate the objective and constraint functions at the points pts. Get val = evaluate(prob,pts); The objective function values are stored in val.Objective, and the constraint function values are stored in val.cons1 through val.cons4. Plot the log of 1 plus the objective function values. ...
vars = optimvalues(prob,x=[x0.x sol.x],y=[x0.y sol.y]); vals = evaluate(prob,vars) vals = 1x2 OptimizationValues vector with properties: Variables properties: x: [1 1.3440] y: [0.5000 0.8799] Equation properties: eq1: [0.9375 8.4322e-10] eq2: [1.2500 6.7431e-09] ...
problem = prob2struct(prob,x0,'ObjectiveFunctionName','logrosenbrock',...'ConstraintFunctionName','circle2'); prob2structcreates nonlinear objective and constraint function files in the current folder. To create these files in a different folder, use the'FileLocation'name-value pair. ...