(1) try: mean = urbandict.define(str) if len(mean) > 0: await event.edit( 'Text: **' + str + '**\n\nMeaning: **' + mean[0]['def'] + '**\n\n' + 'Example: \n__' + mean[0]['example'] + '__' ) else: await event.edit("No result found for ...
The Hebrew word has the meaning 'song' ort 'music'. It, along with zamir (song) and mizmor (psalm), is a derivative of zamar, meaning 'sing', 'sing praise' or 'make music' Zabur from which this extract has been taken Zacchera (Italian f.) splash (of mud)...
Ney-hindi Indian flute played in Iran Neylavak (Iran) a wooden transverse flute with a tapered bore Neylavak from which this information has been taken Nez (French m.) nose NF abbreviation of norme française (French: approved French standard of manufacture, French seal of approval) Nga chen...
La diana (Spanish,, literally reveille) the opening section, usually wordless vocal flourish reminiscent of southern Spanish singing, to the the guaguancó the modern, urban form of rumba Ladies Chain in contradance, a basic figure, a 'half ladies chain', which is more common and usually what...
Made-for a colloquial phrase usually meaning a TV movie (that is, a move made-for-television) Madeleine (French f.) a small shell-shaped sponge-cake Mademoiselle (s.), Mesdemoiselles (pl.) (French f.) miss, Miss the term is also used for a French governess in an English family and ...