不高兴的女友-纽约街头教父【WinterTommy】-DefJam:FightforNY- My Girlfriend Ain't Happy Wi ThIsLittleJimmy· 2022-5-4 2920 12:53 因为吃醋大打出手【WinterTommy】《纽约街头教父》-DefJam:FightforNY- The JEALOUSY Is Real! ThIsLittleJimmy· 2022-5-11 ...
man the gamecube version is expensive as hell Emulators breh. The game is old enough it can probably run on a smartphone.
Def Jam: Fight for NY(2004) David Coburn Cruz (voice) The Transporter Refueled(2015) Django Craig Dan G (voice) Escape Plan 2: Hades(2018) Keith Dallas House (voice) (as Kieth Dallas) Snakes on a Plane(2006) Paul Christie Jervis (voice) ...
本游戏是04年AKI和EA加拿大制作的PS2 XBOX NGC三大平台的格斗游戏,英文名是DEF JAM FIGHT FOR NY,又名纽约街头教父,06年移植到PSP上面,多一个副标题THE TAKEOVER,有新肮脏的招式和新场地,20几个新人物,人物造型也随着06年而改。都是一些说唱歌手。这游戏有武术,体操,柔道,摔角等多种格斗风格。前作是一款嘻哈...
网络纽约街头教父;纽约街头格斗;纽约之战 网络释义
Def Jam: Fight for NY: Regia di Josh Holmes. Con Snoop Dogg, Christopher Judge, Method Man, Sticky Fingaz. D-Mob (Christopher Judge), after being arrested for involvement in a shooting, is broken out of police custody. Now, his crew is involved in a majo
Om produktet Laveste pris for Def Jam : Fight For NY (GameCube) er 636 kr. Dette er for tiden det beste tilbudet blant 2 butikker. Spesifikasjoner Produkt Produktnavn Def Jam : Fight For NY (GameCube) Tilleggsinformasjon Opprettet på Klarna 23. september 2009...
According to reviewer Bryan, while Def Jam Vendetta surprised many with the success of its hip-hop-studded fisticuffs, Vendetta was really just a WWE title pimped out in Def Jam clothing. But, he says, that is not the case in Fight for NY. All the player needs is a few bouts under ...
Def Jam: Fight for NY 说唱明星大乱斗:纽约之战的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
英文名称:Def Jam - Fight for NY 日文名称:レスリング・格闘アクション 游戏编号:SLPM-65907 游戏类型:ACT动作格斗摔跤 制作厂商:Aki Corp. 代理发行:EA Games 游戏平台:Play Station2 (プレイステーション2) 语言版本:日文(日版) 发行日期:2005年2月24日 ...