品牌:Protein Exp CAS No.: 储存条件:-20℃ 纯度:– 产品编号 (生产商编号) 等级规格运输包装零售价(RMB)库存情况参考值 MKA0400AF –50 ug–咨询–– * 干冰运输、大包装及大批量的产品需酌情添加运输费用 * 零售价、促销产品折扣、运输费用、库存情况、产品及包装规格可能因各种原因有所变动,恕不另行通知...
The charge storage mechanism in hard carbons has been illustrated by utilizing ex-situ XRD and Na-plating experiments, reported by Bommier et al. [18]. Waste-biomass precursors are suitable choice for hard carbon preparation due to their easy availability and low costs. The morphology, types ...
Defrects analysis of in situ grown BiSrCaCuO thin filmsRanno, L.Defourneau, R. M.Enard, J. P.Perriere, J.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS
2024年1月10日,芝加哥大学何川教授团队在Nature Methods期刊发表了题为:Profiling of RNA-binding protein binding sites by in situ reverse transcription-based sequencing的研究论文。 该研究开发了一种基于逆转录酶的RBP结合位点测序方法—...
Abstract:A portable hybrid structured-light based measurement system is presented for in-situ and embedded form metrology of structured composite surfaces. The proposed technique contains three subsystems: phase measuring deflectometry (PMD) subsyste...
TPU/PDA/Ag-x—Mass fraction (xwt%) of Ag loading in TPU/PDA/Ag (polyurethane/polydopamine/argentum) composite films 网络状结构使TPU/PDA/Ag复合薄膜具有优异的导热性能,导热系数最高达20.9 W·m−1·K−1。聚合物纤维基...
Le Diplôme National d'Art (DNA) option Design graphique 第一年:与DNA艺术专业方向课程相同 第二年:课程主要围绕艺术实践基础讲习班、大量实用设计课程和讲习班,以及艺术、媒体和设计的历史和理论课程以及符号学课程展开。在这一阶段,...
当出生后数周或数月内未明确诊断为永久性CH时,则应在2-3岁后重新评估HPT轴,尤其是在有原位腺体(glandinsitu,GIS)的儿童和推测为孤立性中枢性CH的儿童中。(1/++0) 为进行准确诊断,应在4-6周内逐步撤减LT4治疗或直接停止治疗,4周后...
Xiamen University and the University for the Creative Arts in the UK have collaborated in the field of art and design. In 2019, they jointly established the Institute of Creativity and Innovation, which was Xiamen University'...
find simple solutions to complex machine learning problems. You will work in close collaboration with leading Swiss and European companies with high volumes of data and diverse problems. The tasks are diverse and non-r...