Opening Day of Deer Season a Quiet OneFrye, Bob
— A 34-year-old hunter was shot in the head near Moorhead on the first day of Minnesota's firearm deer season. The Clay County Sheriff's office says deputies and state troopers were called to a rural area just northeast of the Fargo-Moorhead metro area at about 8 a.m. on Saturday....
Opening Day of deer season is basically a holiday here in Area 2 of Northwest Louisiana, and it's this Saturday, October 26. Canva And yes ladies, I know that some of you deer hunt too, but for the most part, deer camps are the place where we guys get to be guys. We scratch wha...
Opening Day of deer season is basically a holiday here in Area 2 of Northwest Louisiana, and it's this Saturday, October 26. Canva And yes ladies, I know that some of you deer hunt too, but for the most part, deer camps are the place where we guys get to be guys. We scratch wha...
This is my buck on opening day this season. Late in the day this big buck walked out of the woods and just stood there. I had to get help from my brother, Paul, to load this deer to take back to camp. And I also needed some help with hanging up and processing the deer meat. ...
the commission moved the opening day for deer rifle season from the Monday after Thanksgiving to the Saturday after Thanksgiving ... many are questioning whether the move has worked ... Southeast corner of Minnesota remains chronic wasting disease hotspot November 27, 2024 Minnesota, MPR News ....
Schools no longer allowing students to take the opening day of firearm deer season cannot be overlooked as a reason for the steady decline. The Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) uses the same week as the first official week of winter sports practice. ...
From opening-day giants to first bucks ever, the 2021 deer-hunting season was a good one for whitetail hunters in the U.S. Game & Fish chronicled many of those harvests through the fall. Here's a look at our Top 10 most popular big-buck stories from the 2021 season. ...
Statewide Archery Deer Season Opens Saturday Tom P. Tom P.Published: October 1, 2021SteveOehlenschlager Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Even though select Deer Management Zones (DMZs) opened for bow hunting on September 11, and more than a few were within the southern tier counties, it’...
While the survey made clear hunter opinions about the opening day of firearms deer season, it’s important to note, too, that the shift to a Saturday opener didn’t impact deer hunting for most. According to the survey, 62 percent of hunters said the change had no impact on their hunting...