NWCS is a leading name in the sales of deer lures which include whitetail deer scents for hunting. Purchase our deer lures to boost your success this upcoming hunting season.
This deer lure with scent dispenser has an outer casing with an interior plenum, a lower end and an upper end, with air inlet holes adjacent the lower end, a base adapted to fit into the lower end and extend into the plenum, and a scent dispenser assembly with a reservoir adapted to ...
Recently Added Products Zip Start Bow Holder Jackie's Simply Calm Bedding Scent* Jackie's Buck Tarsal Gland* Jackie's 24/7 Curiosity Scent* Jackie's 365 All Season Lure* Code Black 3G Wireless (Verizon) - Mossy Oak Code Black 3G Wireless (AT&T) - Brown ...
mohrswidowmaker.com - Purchase Mohr's Widow-Maker Hunting Products - Buck Lures, Scents and Deer Calls
Achieve ultimate scent control for deer hunting with the best cover scent... Cover Scents | Food & Cover Motor Mouth: Give Your Ride A Wild Voice Success Stories Scrape Juice & Bowhunter's Fatal Obsession have done me right over the years- Curtis Kitchens ...
#1 Whitetail Deer Scents and Lures. We have everything from Premium Doe Estrus Lures, Dominate Buck Urines and Scent Accessories.
TINKS #1 DOE-P DEER SCENT 1OZ 55 out of 5 Stars. 5 reviews Tink's #1 Doe-P Non-Estrous Doe Urine Scent in 4oz Plastic Squeeze Bottle Deer Lure Add $14.99current price $14.99Tink's #1 Doe-P Non-Estrous Doe Urine Scent in 4oz Plastic Squeeze Bottle Deer Lure 154.7 out of 5 S...
up to 500 yards and last for up to 5 hours per candle. Comes in 13 different scents: Doe-N-Heat, Dominate Buck, Coyote/Fox Attraction, Apple, Earth, Corn, Acorn, Persimmon, Honey, Anise, Cinnamon, Bacon and Curiosity. Click on the choose an option button to order your favorite scent...
Wildlife Research Center Doe In Estrus 1 fl oz Doe Estrus Urine Hunting Scent 11 out of 5 Stars. 1 reviews Save with Tink's Power Scrape Mock Scrape Starter - Synthetic Buck Scent Lure - 4 oz. Add $1373 current price $13.73 $3.43/fl oz ...
A common tactic is to use peanut butter to lure deer to the fence, encouraging deer to touch the electrified wires with their sensitive noses. On the other hand, studies show that applying an odor-based deer repellent to cloths and tying them along your electric fence is even more effective...