Collisions on the road don’t happen exclusively between vehicles. Read on to learn what to do if you hit a deer with your car.
The leading cause of accidents, injuries, and deaths from deer-related accidents is when vehicles swerve in an attempt to avoid hitting a deer. Swerving can result in vehicles moving into oncoming traffic, crashing into trees and other objects, or evening rolling over. While it may be against...
Hitting a deer could total a car, cause the airbags to go off, and could even cause you to veer off the road and get into a worse accident. Therefore, you need to learn how to drive more carefully when you are in deer county to avoid a deer vehicle collision. You need to be sure...
Hitting a deer with your car isn’t just dangerous for the animal. It could end up in severe injury or even death for you as the driver. This is because of a deer’s size. If you hit a deer, the first thing you should do is get your car to the safest spot possible. For exampl...
WHAT TO DO IF YOU HIT A DEER If you do end up hitting a deer with your car, there are several things you should do. Call 911- Let the dispatcher know you hit a deer and report any injuries or damage Do Not Approach the Deer- If the deer is injured, it most likey will be scare...
WHAT TO DO IF YOU HIT A DEER If you do end up hitting a deer with your car, there are several things you should do. Call 911- Let the dispatcher know you hit a deer and report any injuries or damage Do Not Approach the Deer- If the deer is injured, it most likey will be scare...
How Likely is it that You’ll Hit a Deer in Colorado? It may come as a surprise to find out that the state of Colorado ranks below the national average as far as deer collisions go. The odds of hitting a deer anywhere in the United States is1 in 116whereas the chance of doing so...
Odds of Hitting a Deer in Each State The study's authors also found that there is a difference between eastern and western areas within a given time zone. Counties on the eastern edge (which have earlier sunrises and sunsets compared to the western side and a correspondingly higher amount of...
It's deer season in Upstate New York, and they are out and about. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are about 1 million car accidents with deer each year and the the chances of hitting an animal with your car in New Y
So, what can you do to avoid hitting an animal yourself? First, pay attention to animal crossing signs. They’re probably there because other motorists have had crashes in the area. Also, obey the speed limit and keep a close watch for deer around dusk and at dawn. Don’t over-drive ...