No one would drag a cleaned steer through mud or over dusty roads, wrap it in wax paper and freeze it for three years, then cook it to a charcoal lump and expect it to be a culinary delight. Why, then, do some people expect deer recipes to be delicious when they do just that to ...
Ground Venison Details Venison (deer meat) is lean, a darker color than beef and offers a robust game flavor. Ground venison can be used in recipes as you would other ground meats as long as its lower fat content is taken into account. Try it in pasta sauces, sausages, burgers, meatball...
We provide the best products and services including Meat Processing Books & Videos, Meat Processing Books, Meat Processing Videos, Deer Processing Video, Sausage Making Curing Smoking Meats With Rytek Kutas, DO-IT-YOURSELF GUIDE TO SAUSAGE MAKING, EASY S
SsolemanMember Made some deer bacon. Mixed and ground together 5 lb venison and 5 lb pork butt. Mixed in a package of venison bacon seasoning/cure from Walton's Inc.( Formed the meat mixture into 2 pans (5 # each) with saran wrap...
Why? Because deer fat is high in stearic acid, similar to that of beef fat. It can be off putting at first to some. Through the rendering process some of the waxy texture and smell will dissipate. I believe the reason most don’t think that tallow is palatable is due to people ...
What do you guys figure is a reasonable price for butchering?Tri-Cities areaMule deer121 lbs, gutted, beheaded, but with bones in and hide onThe box and vacuum-sealed packages weighed exactly 79 lbs., (10% beef fat added to the ground)ThanksLogged ...
Precise nutritional value depends on the origin of the meat (commercially raised on a farm or hunted in the wild) but generally speaking, venison is an excellent alternative to beef. It’s leaner, it’s packed with amino acids, and it contains a higher amount of protein and micronutrients ...
Add big meat flavor to your diet with our red deer loin meat! This Duncan Venison meat is naturally lean, with 1/5 the fat of regular beef and less calories.
Now i cant stop thinking about venison, I wish that step nine would have been some of your own personal recipes for some summer sausage or jerky. 1 reply crickle32115 years ago I totally agree. Great Instructable!! hippie killer15 years ago that deer was asking for it anyways. Pink_...