Prerequisites: All Alley Cat TalentsAll-Knowing"I seek the qualities of All-Knowing."Approaching Singularity [Common Talent, Intelligence] - You now gain +1% Mantra PEN for every 10 point of Intelligence. Gives 0.1% Mantra PEN per point in Intelligence. Prerequisite: 80 IntelligenceA...
WHAT ARE DEEPWOKEN TALENTS? In Deepwoken, there are many different ways you can get stronger. But the most important thing is choosing the right Talents. Talents can either give you new abilities, enhance existing ones or increase stats. And since there are so many Talents in the game, you...
We value Hivekin with great Talents. Have you ever considered what you could truly accomplish if given the right opportunity? Come with me and we can yet find out." Still in a daze, I looked up from the floor, where my chair still sits toppled over, and see his hand reaching out ...
Deepwoken oaths are a specific type of talent card that encompasses a playstyle –though they work quite differently from other Deepwoken talents. Lore-wise, they are a sort of life path that the character can follow, and the community makes much of the type of person that may choose a ...