Knife of Eylis,也被称为Silver Whalers,是Authority雇佣的雇佣兵团伙,在Eastern Luminant中造成大屠杀。他们在Central Luminant出没。正如他们的名字一样,他们都挥舞着Whaling Knives,穿着Whaler Coats,还穿着两件不知名的装备,一个黑色的领子和一条橙色的围巾。 关系 Authority 的雇佣兵 Ministry 的敌人 Ministry 的...
If it is stacked with the "Celebrity" Talent you can immediately avoid being hunted by Voidwalkers until you lose one of the two Talents or continue to have a very bad reputation with The Knives of Eylis or some other faction.You'll Need To Get Past Me [Common Talent] - When you're...