Of course, death is part of Deepwoken, so you get the chance to choose a new oath once you set up a new character. How many Deepwoken oaths are there? There are currently 16 Deepwoken oaths discovered in-game. Given the game’s oblique nature, we can’t be certain that the ...
How was I to know? I followed the principles. I spoke to the turncoat witch. I couldn't just as well walk up to a Prophet now, could I? He did a lot in getting me that recommendation, but... You never liked those sorts did you? But that witch didn't get it either. Not that...
Additionally, some powerful Talents called Oaths, Murmurs and Resonances can only be obtained through specific and often perilous tasks, although only one of each can exist on your character at the same time. All Talents belong to a Talent category. A majority of Talents, including Mantras ...