You must have a certain level of stats, such as Strength, Agility, and Charisma. You must engage in certain activities, such as Alchemy. You must have a certain Talent to unlock other Talents of the same group. It is also worth noting that obtaining some Talents may prohibit you from ge...
A high enough Core Attribute, whether it be Strength, Fortitude, Agility, Intelligence, Willpower, or Charisma. E.G.: Overflowing Dam requires 40 INT as a prerequisite. A certain Talent in a certain category. E.G.: Picking a Mental Fortress Talent will make you more likely to pull ...
Upon opening a book, player's are given a small sum of Intelligence XP. Besides that, most books have no purpose besides providing additional lore and information regarding Deepwoken's world and history; excluding Intelligence or Charisma Training Gears and Weapon Training Gears. Books can also ...