Chaotic Charm [Common Talent, Charisma] - When attacked at low health enemies deal less damage to you and more to anyone else. When below 25% HP, Every hit taken will apply Chaotic Charm to the opponent, reducing your incoming damage by 20%, and increasing their damage by 20% to ...
NPCs are the various inhabitants of the Deepwoken world. While some serve functions such as being merchants or giving quests, some just exist to make the world feel more alive, as well as giving special titbits of information. Sometimes, having a higherCharismaor Intelligence stat will unlock ...
Upon opening a book, player's are given a small sum of Intelligence XP. Besides that, most books have no purpose besides providing additional lore and information regarding Deepwoken's world and history; excluding Intelligence or Charisma Training Gears and Weapon Training Gears. Books can also ...