For a simple disaster movie, “Deepwater Horizon” certainly takes its sweet time getting to the action. Fortunately, when the long-awaited excitement finally commences, it’s undoubtedly electrifying. Panic, casualties, bloody injuries (including a stolen injury idea from “Die Hard”), and old...
Deepwater Horizonis a testament to all those that lost their lives during a disaster that continues to shock. It’s a film of sad importance, played with fair vitriol to those responsible. A supreme disaster movie. Flickering Myth Rating– Film: ★★★ / Movie: ★★★ Thomas Harris . url...
Somehow, Deepwater Horizon manages to have its cake and eat it too, or at least to split the difference.On the one hand, Peter Berg (The Kingdom, Lone Survivor) is clearly making a Hollywood film, with movie stars — Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, John Malkovich, Kate Hudson — as well...
Deepwater Horizon: Regie: Peter Berg Mit Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell, Douglas M. Griffin, James DuMont Die Kinobearbeitung einer Ölkatastrophe, als im April 2010 die vor der Küste verankerte Bohrplattform, Deepwater Horizon, explodierte und die gr
Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg’s last movie together as an actor-director pairing took the unusual step of spoiling itself with its title:Lone Survivor. There are no such spoilers in the title of their next movie together, just a matter-of-fact statement of intent.Deepwater Horizonis, the ...
Hollywood Turns 2010 Deepwater Oil Spill into Disaster MovieHollywood has made the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in theGulf of Mexico into a classic...Siciliano, John
Actor Mark Wahlberg (left) and his character's real-life counterpart, Mike Williams (right), on the set of theDeepwater Horizonmovie. Was crew captain Jimmy Harrell, portrayed by Kurt Russell, seriously injured in the disaster? Yes. Nicknamed "Mr. Jimmy," Mike Williams recalled seeing Jimmy...
名称: Deepwater Horizon 出品方: Lionsgate 发行日期: 2016 年 12 月 20 日 国家/地区: United States 视频分辨率: 1920x800 (4.2GB) 纵横比: 2.40:1 音频: 5.1 环绕 包含: US - PG-13, prolonged intense disaster sequences and related disturbing images, and brief strong language. 时长: 107 ...
First look: Deepwater Horizon Dylan O'Brien and John Malkovich discover that they're moments away from disaster in the upcoming movie "Deepwater Horizon" based on the events of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil rig disaster. Sep 1, 2016
Deepwater Horizoneffectively turns the real-world disaster into an action/drama that's more disturbing than thrilling to watch. The movie certainly impresses when it comes to presenting the nitty-gritty details of everything that went wrong during the real-life disaster, but that does come at ...