DeepSpeed offers a confluence of system innovations, that has made large scale DL training effective, and efficient, greatly improved ease of use, and redefined the DL training landscape in terms of scale that is possible. These innovations such as ZeRO, 3D-Parallelism, DeepSpeed-MoE, ZeRO-Infini...
遍历模型命名参数,更新如下变量: has_moe_layers:模型中包含MoE模块; num_experts:存储所有MoE模块的num_experts变量; gate_modules:存储所有TopKGate模块; moe_layers:存储所有MOELayer模块; 更新分布式环境相关变量: local_all_to_all_group:None data_parallel_group:全局变量_WORLD_GROUP,存储新建的进程分组; dp_...
These innovations such as ZeRO, 3D-Parallelism, DeepSpeed-MoE, ZeRO-Infinity, etc. fall under the training pillar. Learn more: DeepSpeed-Training DeepSpeed-Inference DeepSpeed brings together innovations in parallelism technology such as tensor, pipeline, expert and ZeRO-parallelism, and combines them ...
一、DeepSpeed MoE 1.1 执行脚本 1.2 入口函数 1.3 分布式环境初始化 1.4 模型切割 1.5 MoELayer 二、Megatron MoE 2.1 分布式环境初始化 2.2 Megatron SwitchMLP 大家好,赶在节前把MoE的原理篇和源码篇一起出完,这次,没人能再喊我鸽王了吧!! 在这篇文章中,我们会先介绍deepspeed moe并行训练实现,然后引入Mega...
[BUG] Zero3 for torch.compile with compiled_autograd when running LayerNorm bug training #6719 opened Nov 6, 2024 by yitingw1 2 [BUG] DeepSpeed accuracy issue for torch.compile if activation checkpoint function not compiler disabled bug training #6718 opened Nov 6, 2024 by jerrychenhf ...
2.1 直觉上理解MoE设计 2.2 输入数据 2.3 Gate 2.4 Expert与溢出处理 2.5 Zero Padding和Drop tokens 2.6 伪代码 三、MoE并行训练 3.1 EP + DP 3.2 All2All通讯 3.3 EP + DP + TP 3.4 PP去哪里了 大家好,时隔不知多少月,LLM并行训练系列终于又有更新了(抱头防打),这一章我们来讲MoE并行,同样分为原理...
Mixtral model, a language model based on sparse mixture of experts (MoE), has demonstrated promising performance across multiple benchmarks. The Mixtral model operates by applying a router network at each layer for every token, selecting two distinct experts for processing the current state and ...