2.5 协调DeepSpeed Config File与accelerate config 2.5.1 配置冲突 2.5.2 使用deepspeed_config_file配置具体参数 2.5.3 命令行配置具体参数 2.6 模型的保存和加载 2.7 DeepSpeed ZeRO Inference 三、相关资源 一、 DeepSpeed简介 ZeRO论文:《ZeRO:Memory Optimizations Toward Training Trillion Parameter Models》 ZeRO-...
--master_port 主节点的端口号 --model_config_file 选择模型参数文件 --deepspeed 选择deepspeed参数文件 */ 在--deepspeed处,deepspeed参数请选择deepspeed_config.json的json配置文件 通过该配置文件,你可以进行以下主要功能的选择与调整 1. 优化器状态切分 (ZeRO stage 1) 2. 梯度切分 (ZeRO stage 2) 3. 参...
DeepSpeed遵循fsdp.MixedPrecision 遵循deepspeed_config_file中的混合精度设置 优化器(准备阶段)✅FSDP DeepSpeed按需上转至torch_dtype 所有均上转至float32 优化器(实际执行阶段)✅FSDP DeepSpeed以torch_dtype精度进行 以float32精度进行 表1: FSDP 与 DeepSpeed 混合精度处理异同 几个要点: 正如🤗 Accelerate 上...
Hugging Face: Hugging Face recently announced its integration with DeepSpeed (opens in new tab), which allows users to easily accelerate their models through a simple “—deepspeed” flag and config file. Through this integration, DeepSpeed is able to bring 3x faster speedup...
)) File "/myproject/scripts/train.py", line 137, in main run(config) File "/my...
Add HIP conversion file outputs to .gitignore (#5111) Feb 10, 2024 .gitmodules DeepSpeed-FastGen (#4604) Nov 4, 2023 .pre-commit-config.yaml Update pre-commit version (#6821) Dec 6, 2024 .pylintrc Add codespell to pre-commit checks (#1717) ...
accelerate launch --config_file /root/default_config.yaml src/train_bash.py [llama-factory参数] 注意: gpu_ids数量跟num_processes必须要一致 训练速度 从结果来看,训练速度基本与显卡数量成线性关系。且显存大小几乎一样 原理剖析 基本概念 DP:数据并行 ...
2. Accelerate config file accelerate config In which compute environment are you running? This machineWhich type of machine are you using? Multi-GPUHow many different machines will you use (use more than l for multi node training)? [1]: 1Should distributed operatlons be checked while running...
--deepspeed ${deepspeed_config_file} --reserved_label_len ${max_target_length} 报错信息: Traceback (most recent call last): File "src/train_bash.py", line 16, in main() File "src/train_bash.py", line 7, in main run_exp() ...
第一步是在 arguments.py 中使用 deepspeed.add_config_arguments() 将DeepSpeed 参数添加到 Megatron-LM GPT2 模型中。 初始化和训练 我们将修改 pretrain.py 以启用使用 DeepSpeed 进行训练。 初始化 我们使用 deepspeed.initialize 创建model_engine、optimizer 和LR scheduler。下面是其定义: 代码语言:javascript ...