DeepL Write 人工智能写作助手 翻译文本 源语言文本 键入翻译。 使用我们的文档翻译器拖放翻译PDF、Word(.docx)和PowerPoint(.pptx)文件。 请点击麦克风来翻译语音。 翻译结果 词典 点击单词以查询。 立即改变翻译的风格和基调 通过DeepL Write 预设的写作风格和基调,使你的文章更适合受众。
DeepL Write is a tool that helps you perfect your writing. Write clearly, precisely, with ease, and without errors. Try for free now!
你现在使用的是免费版DeepL Write。获取数据绝对安全保证。免费试用 Write Pro 使用DeepL Write 梦笔生花 德语 风格 术语 原始文本 输入或粘贴文本以查看修改建议。 点击任何一个单词,以获取替换词或整句改写方案。 改进后的文本 人工智能助力,写作胸有成竹 ...
文本改写与纠错:DeepL Write是Quillbot和Grammarly的替代品,提供语法和标点符号的修正,可根据需要选择语气,并在维持原意的基础上改写句子。 文本翻译:DeepL Translator则替代了Google Translate,支持28种语言的翻译,准确度高达竞品的三倍。📍产品结构 DeepL Write:目前仅支持English(American)、English(British)和German三种...
DeepL Write is currently available for English, French, German, and Spanish - with many more languages coming soon. Free to download - access core features without cost! - Enjoy more translation features with a DeepL account - Log in to your organization's team account via SSO ...
其实还有一个工具,DeepL,它也是用Deep Learn的算法完成翻译,效果也非常好。使用效果和方便程度,国内比收费的网易有道翻译的AIBox要好,国外比谷歌翻译要好得多。最重要的是,它免费,而且既有网页版,也有APP版本,十分强大,还有很多有趣的功能,如Deep Write 帮忙润色英文内容。我们今天来一起了解一下。 DeepL环境准备...
DeepL Write - Wording: rephrase for clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness - Grammar: check your grammar for total confidence - Spelling: say goodbye to typos and errors - Punctuation: easily follow the punctuation rules of your language DeepL Write is currently available for English, French, Germ...
I have 2 years subscription to DeepL, but recently (German-English) its translation has been unusable. Wrong tense in verbs, translated wrong meaning of words. Complete wrong meaning of sentences. Ghost Paragraphs! This has been going on on-off for about 2-3 months. Now it is getting too...
看名字就知道DeepL Write是为了写作而生的DeepL软件。DeepL Write是一款具有AI的写作语法改进工具。由于刚...
DeepL Write - Wording: rephrase for clarity, conciseness, and effectiveness - Grammar: check your grammar for total confidence - Spelling: say goodbye to typos and errors - Punctuation: easily follow the punctuation rules of your language DeepL Write is currently available for English, French, Germ...