键入翻译。 使用我们的文档翻译器拖放翻译PDF、Word(.docx)和PowerPoint(.pptx)文件。 请点击麦克风来翻译语音。 翻译结果 词典 词典功能暂不支持该语言组合。 解锁DeepL全部功能 –免费试用DeepL Pro 免费试用Pro30天 你正在使用DeepL免费版 翻译多达3,000个字符 ...
Type to translate. Drag and drop to translate PDF, Word (.docx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) files with our document translator. Click the microphone to translate speech. Translation results Dictionary Click on a word to look it up. Now change the style and tone of your translation ...
Deepl翻译器是一款多功能的翻译软件,它支持29种语言的文本、语音、图片和文件翻译,为用户提供了全面的翻译服务。用户可以通过键盘输入、语音识别或上传文件等多种方式来获取翻译,满足不同场景下的需求,确保翻译过程既高效又便捷。 软件简介 Deepl翻译器是跨语言交流的利器,它简化了不同语言区域用户之间的沟通,帮助用户...
This is a machine translation (MT) battle royal between DeepL Translator, Google Translate, and Microsoft Translator. I thought it might be interesting to select a popular media article, which uses some slang and pit these three neural machine translation engines against each other. Let’s meet ...
How Is DeepL Translator Able to Achieve Such Accuracy? Ok, so how are DeepL’s translations better than services from much larger companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon? The answer mainly has to do with where DeepL’s translation training comes from. ...
4、deepl https://www.deepl.com/translator 一个比较接近真人翻译的网站,支持翻译短语,以及文献等内容...
Looking at Google Translate vs DeepL, there’s no doubt that Google Translate is the more popular online translator software among people not in the translation or localization industries. After all, Google Translate: Is very well known:If you’ve heard of Google (and who hasn’t?) then you...
DeepL Translator - English user interface Blind test 机器翻译系统之间的比较一般是用 Blind test,然后专业翻译人员再对不同的翻译结果进行评估,以下是 2017 年 8 月的测试结果: DeepL Translation & Google Translate & Microsoft Translator & Facebook BLEU 分数 研究人...
DeepL使用了 AI 机器学习、神经网络算法、大数据等各种看起来特别高大上的技术,自称“全世界最好的机器翻译”工具,翻译质量碾压Google、必应!去年年初,DeepL对神经网络架构进行改进,能够实现高质量的日语和中文翻译。同时他们再次进行了盲测,评估结果显示DeepL翻译优于谷歌、亚马逊、百度、有道等翻译,并且DeepL称其翻译的...
the app translates your wordsbetterthan its competitors, such asGoogle Translateand Microsoft’sBing Microsoft Translator. However, while DeepL’s translations are more accurate, the number of languages it can translate your words into are fewer. It onlysupports nine languages, whereas Google Translate...