键入翻译。 使用我们的文档翻译器拖放翻译PDF、Word(.docx)和PowerPoint(.pptx)文件。 请点击麦克风来翻译语音。 翻译结果 词典 点击单词以查询。 立即改变翻译的风格和基调 通过DeepL Write 预设的写作风格和基调,使你的文章更适合受众。 改写文本 使用DeepL应用程序,翻译更快捷 ...
Drag and drop to translate PDF, Word (.docx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) files with our document translator. Click the microphone to translate speech. Translation results Dictionary Click on a word to look it up. Now change the style and tone of your translation ...
Use the freeDeepL Translatorto translate your textswiththe best machine translation available, powered by DeepL’s world-leading neural network technology. Currently supported languages are English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese....
If the phrase had been modified by a human translator, then the sync is not retroactive for that phrase. 📘 Supported Language Pairs Currently, DeepL Glossary Sync supports the following language pairs. More will be added in the future. English into German (EN -> DE) German into English ...
You are about to download theDeepL Translate 25.1 for iPhone and iPad (iOS 17.0 or Later): DeepL Translate is a free Productivity App: DeepL: translate & write, AI translator and writing tool... Productivity > DeepL: translate & write ...
A powerful translator app I have been using it to teach myself French. It is a great go to, better than a typical browser translator. Love the dictionary option as well as the ability to see other optional words within translated sentences. There are also benefits with a paid subscription...
DeepL is a German company that aims to eliminate language barriers worldwide by using artificial intelligence. Since 2017, it has offered DeepL Translator on www.DeepL.com, a machine translation system that achieves the best translation quality worldwide, according to blind tests. It also provides...
This translator is my go to and I use it everywhere I go, it’s truthful, trustworthy and accurate. But I would like to say can it have more languages? Like Shona? I’m going Zimbabwe next year and really want to study it. I’m on an 18 language course and I want to learn more...
How Is DeepL Translator Able to Achieve Such Accuracy? Ok, so how are DeepL’s translations better than services from much larger companies like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon? The answer mainly has to do with where DeepL’s translation training comes from. ...
平常大家都离不开翻译软件,今天给大家推荐一款近几年火起来的软件——DeepLDeepL Translator是于2017年8月由DeepL GmbH(一家由Linguee支持的创业公司)推出的翻译服务,支持汉语、英语、德语、法语、日语、西班牙语、意大利语、荷兰语及波兰语之间的翻译,其利用神经网络训练翻...