Type to translate. Drag and drop to translate PDF, Word (.docx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) files with our document translator.Type or paste text to translate Click the microphone to translate speech. Translation results Dictionary The dictionary is unavailable for this language pair.Unlock DeepL’s...
Drag and drop to translate PDF, Word (.docx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) files with our document translator. Click the microphone to translate speech. Translation results Dictionary Click on a word to look it up. Now change the style and tone of your translation ...
Text Translator For Windows 7 Free Powerpoint For Windows Wanem Unicode Converter 4.9 Free Wanem Unicode Converter: Nepali Text Conversion Made Easy WordPoint 4.9 Paid WordPoint Translation Tool SkypeTrance 4.5 Paid SkypeTrance: Instant Messaging Translation Tool ...
Whether you’re learning a new language or visiting a different country, having a tool like DeepL Translate can be a great help. With accurate translations that capture idiosyncrasies in a language, you can easily learn how locals or native speakers would say a certain phrase or sentence. As ...
DeepL Translator - Translate texts: translate quickly and reliably between more than 30 languages by typing - High quality: DeepL consistently outperforms competitors by a factor of 3:1 - Quick detection: translations begin as you type - Camera translation: take a picture to translate text in im...
You are about to download theDeepL Translate 1.34.0 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: DeepL: AI translator and writing assistant, Translate while you read and write with DeepL Translate, the world’s most accurate translator. ... ...
1.首先我们需要进入DeepL翻译的官网,地址为:https://www.deepl.com/translator 2.在进入DeepL翻译后,我们在点击顶部的“下载Windows客户端”按钮,或点击下方的随处翻译用DeepL Windows版的“免费下载”。 3.随后我们会进入英文版的网页,然后浏览器会自动弹出下载窗口,如无响应,请点击顶部蓝色框中的“Retry download(...
Since 2017, it has offered DeepL Translator on www.DeepL.com, a machine translation system that achieves the best translation quality worldwide, according to blind tests. It also provides professional products for companies, business people, and translators. So far, over half a billion people have...
You are about to download theDeepL translator 1.1 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: iFrame of deepl.com/translator ... The offline & original crx file ofDeepL translator v1.1was fully archived from the web store server and is for home or personal use only. You could learn more...
DeepL Translator是于2017年8月由DeepL GmbH(一家由Linguee支持的创业公司)推出的翻译服务,支持汉语、...