键入翻译。 使用我们的文档翻译器拖放翻译PDF、Word(.docx)和PowerPoint(.pptx)文件。 请点击麦克风来翻译语音。 翻译结果 词典 点击单词以查询。 立即改变翻译的风格和基调 通过DeepL Write 预设的写作风格和基调,使你的文章更适合受众。 改写文本 使用DeepL应用程序,翻译更快捷 ...
Drag and drop to translate PDF, Word (.docx), and PowerPoint (.pptx) files with our document translator. Click the microphone to translate speech. Translation results Dictionary Click on a word to look it up. Now change the style and tone of your translation ...
On the other hand, if you want to use DeepL Translate to automatically translate your WordPress website, you would need the DeepL API plan (which is labeled “for developers”, even though you don’t necessarily need to be a developer to use it). DeepL Pricing Plans for Individuals and T...
DeepL is your go-to AI translation and writing assistant for precise translations, powerful grammar fixes, and clear style enhancements. With the power of advan…
out.println(translator.translate(texts,SourceLanguage.FRENCH,TargetLanguage.ENGLISH_AMERICAN)); // [Hello, I can call you] System.out.println(translator.translate("mes amis", SourceLanguage.FRENCH, TargetLanguage.ENGLISH_AMERICAN)); // my friends } }...
DeepLconducted its own comparison studyin January 2020 to see how it fared against other leading machine translation technologies. It found that DeepL performed significantly better at translating from English to German, English to French, English to Spanish, andvice versa. While Google Translate was...
(using CNN). DeepL claims that its technical accumulation has enabled it to overcome CNN's main shortcomings and thus achieve more accurate and natural translation results than rival RNN-based algorithms.<< Sliding to view English >>“Document Translation...
The API, in general, can handle and completely translate texts that contain parts with different languages, if the language switch is not within a sentence. ThedetectLanguage()method will however only return the code ofonelanguage. It will throw an exception if it is unable to auto-detect the...
Looking to easily translate nearly any language in Python? This tutorial takes you through the steps to translating strings in Python.
With the power of advanced Language AI, DeepL allows you to translate text, photos, files, and even speech into over 30 languages on the go. It also offers intelligent writing suggestions for English, French, German, and Spanish to help you create clear, error-free, and impactful texts ...