DeepL Windows 版:翻译和提高写作水平,不费吹灰之力 使用DeepL Windows 版改变通信方式。功能强大的桌面应用程序,可让您进一步优化翻译流程,轻松润色文本。 免费下载优化工作流程 DeepL 翻译器 保持专注,最大化生产力 DeepL 翻译器支持您在不同应用程序之间进行翻译,提高工作效率。 使用快捷键,选择任何源文本并按 Ctr...
Translate on desktop with DeepL for Windows. Same translation quality, with time-saving features—including translating your writing directly in other apps.
Translate fast between more than 30 languages with the world’s most accurate AI translator for business and personal use. Our technology captures the slightest nuance and reproduces it in the translation like no other service. You’ll never have to co
Translate Languages Translate Languages For Windows 7 Translators For Windows Text Translator For Windows 7 Free Powerpoint For Windows WordPoint 4.9 Paid WordPoint Translation Tool Wanem Unicode Converter 4.9 Free Wanem Unicode Converter: Nepali Text Conversion Made Easy ...
app translates your wordsbetterthan its competitors, such asGoogle Translateand Microsoft’sBing Microsoft Translator. However, while DeepL’s translations are more accurate, the number of languages it can translate your words into are fewer. It onlysupports nine languages, whereas Google Translate ...
deepL windows Client download Url: Example: import""translateResp,err:=Translate("","zh","I love Go programming language")iferr!=nil{t.Fatal(err) }log.Println(translateResp.Result.Texts[0].Text) ...
DeepL Mac中文版软件介绍 分享回复1 陨之梦吧 点点凌阁 DeepL for Mac(智能AI翻译器)DeepL翻译器Mac版是Mac电脑上的一款准确、高效、非常棒的翻译软件。DeepL Pro for Mac,更快、更安全、更好,为你和你的团队解锁世界上最好的在线翻译器的全部功能。在Windows和Mac...
With the DeepL API Free plan, you can translate up to500,000 characters per monthfor free....
Select the text you would like to translate and click the DeepL floating icon (shortcut ⇧+⌘+Y for Mac / Ctrl+Shift+Y for Windows) The translation will pop up in a DeepL window Define your target language via the language dropdown at the top of the window ...