Unlock real-time, accurate translations for web pages and smart writing suggestions, all within one browser extension. Download DeepL for Edge free The browser extension that does it all Translate while you read or write No matter where you’re browsing, you can view it in your chosen language...
Unlock real-time, accurate translations for web pages and smart writing suggestions, all within one browser extension. Download DeepL for Edge freeThe browser extension that does it all DeepL Translator Translate while you read or write No matter where you’re browsing, you can view it in your...
DeepL翻译是一款浏览器插件,目前支持微软Edge和谷歌Chrome,后期会支持Mozilla的Firefox和苹果Safari浏览器,在微软Edge应用商店和谷歌Chome应用商店展示分别如下:Microsoft Edge 谷歌Chrome 对于微软Edge用户,请直接访问如下地址:https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/deepl%E7%BF%BB%E8%AF%91%EF%BC%9A...
使用DeepL进行翻译时,系统将优先考虑用户预先设定的自定义术语,确保翻译的准确性和一致性。DeepL的多平台支持 DeepL的翻译服务不仅准确,还支持众多系统平台,包括安卓、ChromeOS、iPhone、iPad、Mac和Windows客户端。此外,还提供了Chrome和Edge浏览器扩展,满足不同用户的需求。对于开发者而言,DeepL还提供了API接口,可...
原文:To quickly take a snip, press the Windows logo key+Shift+S. You'll see your screen darken and your cursor displayed as a cross. Choose a point at the edge of the area you want to copy and left-click the cursor. Move your cursor to highlight the area you want to capture. ...
高效工作 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 An Assistant to Translate Selected Texts with DeepL Depth Translator is an assistant extension for DeepL. You can invoke the translation in 2 ways: 1. By selecting texts, a popup icon would appear beside your mouse pointer - when you click the icon, you'll...
网址:https://www.deepl.com/translator DeepL是德国公司制作的翻译软件,官方称之为“全世界最准确的...
划词翻译是一款浏览器扩展,支持 Chrome、Edge、Firefox,可以对网页、图片、PDF 文件、音频进行翻译,翻译接口包括 DeepL、谷歌、必应、百度、腾讯、彩云、阿里、搜狗、有道。@Appinn 早在2016 年,小众软件的 @zaza24kb同学就介绍过这款划词翻译:集成多种翻译,让浏览任意语言的网站变得无比轻松[Chrome],如今的划词翻...
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2、微软在线翻译 http://cn.bing.com/translator 一个专门用来翻译短语的网站,非常适合大家在看英文...