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DeepL API Freeallows developers to translate up to 500,000 characters per month for free. It is for anyone who wants to integrateDeepL’s REST APIinto their own products and platforms. Note: The DeepL API Pro subscription does not include integrations to CAT tools or access to the DeepL API...
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本项目是一个基于 DeepL翻译API 的无服务器函数部署项目,旨在提供一个可直接对接的免费翻译解决方案,很适合需要在无服务器环境中集成DeepL翻译服务的开发者使用。与原项目DeepLX的区别在于利用了无服务器函数(边缘函数)请求IP不固定的特性,有效避免了Error 429请求太频繁的报错(不过嘛凡事总有例外¯\_(ツ)_/¯...
本版本加入了 DeepL Free API 的支持,以及一些交互细节的优化。立即下载变更内容[新增] 支持 DeepL Free API[新增] #21 开机自动启动(Linux 版未支持)[优...
Access to the DeepL API for Write Note:TheAPI domaindiffers depending on whether you are using DeepL API Free or DeepL API Pro: For DeepL API Free:api-free.deepl.com For DeepL API Pro:api.deepl.com When upgrading from DeepL API Free to DeepL API Pro, the existing API will be disabled...