答案令很多人都没有想到:这个 Mod 里的对话配音,没有一句来自真人,而全都来自 AI。原来,在配音部分,开发者采用了俄罗斯公司 Mind Simlation Lab 开发的 CyberVoice 技术。至于 CyberVoice 是什么?你可以把它理解为声音版的“Deepfake”。该公司用 Geralt 的声优 Doug Cockle 的声音进行了训练。然后,开发者...
[4] Listen to an AI voice actor try and flirt with you https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/17/22936978/ai-voice-speech-synthesis-audio-deepfake-sonantic-flirtation [5][7] EVERYONE WILL BE ABLE TO CLONE THEIR VOICE IN THE FUTURE https://www.theverge.com/22672123/ai-voice-clone-synthesis-d...
So, if you want to try out “Vocodes” for some fun voice-mimicking times, you can click/tap righthere. Since the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), we have seen the technology in use in almost every sector of the market. Fromaiding the militarytocontrolling a full-fledged ship,...
语音合成和语音转换工作原理如图1所示,基于神经网络的Waveform Modelling技术类似WaveNet产生的语音和真人发声已经很接近。在Voice Conversion Challenge 2018 挑战赛中的最佳系统产生的语音,已经极大提高了自然度和模拟人声的相似度。图1 语音合成和语音转换工作原理 ASVspoofing挑战赛是近些年来世界级的研究语音...
AI换脸 (face-swap)是指用另一个人脸来替换一张图片或视频中的一个人脸,合成新的媒体物,它是Deepfake(“深度伪造”)技术最广为人知的一种应用形式。Deepfake是指基于深度学习等机器学习方法创建或合成视听觉内容,如图像、音视频、文本等。 Deepfake的制作和检测研究自2017年以来,相关论文数从3篇增加到150篇以上(...
Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Generative AI, Fake News,,+更多搜索引擎优化,互联网营销和社会工程!使用DeepFakes master释放您的创作潜力锁定deep fakes的迷人力量,踏上现实与想象交织的开创性旅程。深入语音克隆、无缝视频操作和令人惊叹的动作转换的世界。欢迎来到我们全面的DeepFakes大师课程,在这里你将获得将你最...
你看好这项技术的商业化吗? 参考链接: [1]https://www.theverge.com/2021/5/14/22432180/voice-clone-deepfake-celebrities-influencers-veritone-ai-platform [2]https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.04558.pdf —完—
Audio discrepancies, like mismatched lip-syncing or distorted voice quality, can also be clues. Additionally, deepfakes may show blurred or pixelated areas around the face, especially when it moves or changes expression. For more accurate detection, you can use AI-based tools like Microsoft's ...
In the future, such models can also become a new tool in the hands of attackers. The Audio API can reproduce the specified text by voice, while users can choose which of the suggested voice options the text will be pronounced with. The Open AI model, in its existing form...