In other words, a Digital Twin can create a highly complex virtual model which is the exact replica of a physical thing.(数字孪生是真实对象或系统的虚拟表示,它根据实时数据进行更新,并使用机器学习、模拟(模拟)和推理来帮助决策。换句话说,数字孪生可以创建一个高度复杂的虚拟模型,它是物理事物的精确复制...
In Sattell’s quadrant of innovation,breakthrough innovation occurs when the problem faced is well defined, but the domain it exists in is still only operating at part of its potential. In other words, breakthrough innovation is often the start of something new. Breakthrough innovations are qui...
(2)imply vt.含 的意思;暗示;暗指 What did the teacher imply in her words? 老师的话意味着什么? 【归纳拓展】 imply vt.说明, 表明 Her smile implied that she had forgiven me.她的微笑表明她已经原谅了我。 implicationn.言外之意; 暗示 (3)beyond prep.;为能 Your work is beyond all praise....
I'mflyingnextweekto myvacation,andtheflightisgoingto beratherlong(almost16hoursnon-stop).Severalyearsago,my 75years-oldaunthadbloodclotinherlungafteraflightofsimilarlength.Ialsoheardthatduringflightthebloodinthelegsclotsandthatitcancauseafterthatproblemswiththelungsandbreathing. Doesthismeanit'sdangerous...
I slept pretty good through the night, even with nurses coming in to check vitals and all the other things they do every hour or so. By morning, I was feeling pretty good. Pain was at a manageable level (with meds of course) and I was more than ready to get home. Fortunately, the...
By this measure, Canada has the second lowest net debt-to-GDP in the G7. However, this is again flawed. Desjardins only looks at central government debt. In other words, it compares the indebtedness of Canada’s federal government to the indebtedness of central governments in other countries...
In other words, when we frequently make mention of something, it will naturally have a deeper impression on our minds. 換言之, 當我們經 常提 及一些問題, 腦海中自然 會 有 較 深刻 的印 象。 [...] specific and can create a lasting impression on consumers...
With the image of the Carina Nebula (Figure 1), JWST has depicted the largest star-forming region—in other words, the largest nursery for stars in the Milky Way—where intensive activities caused by the birth of large amounts of new stars have created the craggy mountains. “Today, for ...
You must have a good balance between perceived challenges of the task and your own perceived skills. In other words, you should have confidence that you are capable of completing the task. These prerequisites are great, albeit a bit wordy. We prefer Owen Schaffer's even simpler take which id...
I understand perfectly well that for 95% of you this post will be of no use at all. But for the remaining 5%, it has the potential to greatly simplify your working week (and many working weekends). In other words, we’ve some great news for cybersecurity pros – SOC teams, independen...