A synthetic data generator for video caption pairs.Simian creates synthetic data that is usable for generative video and video captioning tasks. The data consists of videos and captions. The videos are generated using Blender, a 3D modeling software....
And finally, we will be push the trained model to the Hub to evaluate and visualize your agent playing.LunarLander-v2 is the first environment you used when you started this course. At that time, you didn't know how it worked, and now, you can code it from scratch and train ...
47 developed a generator for de novo drug design. The model was developed to understand the drugs that can cross the blood-brain barrier. The developed drugs should have permeability and solubility when crossing the blood-brain barrier so that the molecule can reach the site of action in the ...
history = model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(X_train,Y_train, batch_size=batch_size), epochs = epochs, validation_data = (X_val,Y_val), verbose = 1, steps_per_epoch = X_train.shape[0] // batch_size, callbacks = [learning_rate_reduction]) ...
et al. Route design in the 21st century: the ICSYNTH software tool as an idea generator for synthesis prediction. Org. Process Res. Dev. 19, 357–368 (2015) Article CAS Google Scholar Law, J. et al. Route designer: a retrosynthetic analysis tool utilizing automated retrosynthetic rule ...
AD9959 Four channel DDS module RF signal source generator AT command serial port output sweep AM $75.50 - $76.20 Min. order: 1 piece Suitable for Google AIY Voice Kit Artificial Intelligence Speech Recognition Kit Raspberry Pi Sound Capture $72.80 - $78.20 Min. order: 1 piece Original Ampleon...
由于Deepfake在人脸生成管道中存在缺陷,有通过观察3D头部姿势之间的差异(包括头部方向和位置)来检测,该方法基于中央面部区域的68个面部界标进行估算,检查3D头部姿势,提取的特征被馈送到SVM分类器中以获得检测结果。 有基于眼睛、牙齿和面部轮廓的视觉特征来检测伪影。视觉伪影是由于缺乏整体一致性,入射照明的错误或不精确...
Official Original Development Board Development Board Kit RAM 2G 4G 8G 4 Core CPU 1.5Ghz Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2gb 4gb 8gb $50.00 - $85.00 Min. order: 2 pieces Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit for Deep Learning AI AIoT and Robotics Linuxs Demo Board ...
education language Tongyi wanxiang Image GeneratorBy YoungTx on 2024-08-09 This plugin uses Alibaba's Tongyi Wanxiang model to generate images based on text prompts.image tongyi wanxiang📊 Total plugins: 48 8 Agent Market (GPTs)In LobeChat Agent Marketplace, creators can discover a vibrant ...
DeepMind Lab A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research OpenAI Universe A software platform for evaluating and training intelligent agents across the world’s supply of games, websites and other applications. OpenAI Gym A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms...