百分点神经翻译系统Deep Translator是一款面向行业领域用户的机器翻译系统。 目前支持中、英、日、俄、法、德等20多个语言数百个方向两两互译。Deep Translator翻译系统经过迭代打磨,形成了四大特色:第一,提...
需要语言翻译软件的朋友们不妨来试试深层翻译器(Deep Translator Pro),app内置九国语言,提供互译功能,直接将需要翻译的内容输入app,就能得到准确的翻译结果,简单的界面使用更流畅。 【软件介绍】 深层翻译器(Deep Translator Pro)有着强大的功能,可以直接选择多国的语言进行翻译,自动识别功能超强大,原价是需要20多块钱...
1.6 Deepin Translator与其他翻译工具的比较 相较于市面上其他同类产品,Deepin Translator 在用户体验方面做出了诸多创新尝试。虽然像 Google Translate 这样的平台也提供了类似的服务,但 Deepin Translator 更注重细节上的打磨,比如其更为人性化的界面设计、更加精准的翻译质量以及对本地化需求的关注等。这些差异使得 ...
Deep Translator for Voice&Text Xienhag Technology Designed for iPhone Free iPhone Screenshots Description Language translation app for text translation and image translation. Support accurate inter-translation between 50+ languages, allowing you to easily translate all languages (English, French, German, ...
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator # Use any translator you like, in this example GoogleTranslator translated = GoogleTranslator(source='auto', target='de').translate("keep it up, you are awesome") # output -> Weiter so, du bist großartig or using proxies: from deep_translator...
nidhaloff/deep-translator最新发布版本:v1.11.4(2023-06-29 03:59:23)What’s Changed Hotfix/digit translation (#220) @nidhaloff added baidu support (#219) @hanlhan Added a list of languages supported by MyMemory (#217) @Prasanta-Hembram...
nidhaloff/deep-translator 版本发布时间: 2021-05-22 01:49:15 nidhaloff/deep-translator最新发布版本:v1.11.4(2023-06-29 03:59:23)fixed deepl free api added support for the papago translator added opt params fixed inconsistency相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip) 查看:2021-05-22发行的版本...
Deepin Translator is licensed underGPLv3. 简介 简介 深度翻译(英文名:Deepin Translator)是deepin 团队为开发的一款强大的翻译软件 暂无标签 https://www.oschina.net/p/deepin-translator Python等 3 种语言 GPL-3.0 保存更改 发行版 暂无发行版
与你的浏览器兼容 描述 An Assistant to Translate Selected Texts with DeepL Depth Translator is an assistant extension for DeepL. You can invoke the translation in 2 ways: 1. By selecting texts, a popup icon would appear beside your mouse pointer - when you click the icon, you'll be redirec...
print("[Deep Translator] Proxy disabled or input field is empty!") 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 pyproject.toml Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ [project] name = "comfyui_custom_nodes_alekpet" description = "Nodes: PoseNode, Painter...