In Deepwoken, if you die while your health is stained, you are sent to Scyphozia, a dangerous dimension located underwater populated with powerful monsters. If you die in Scyphozia, all of your progression is reset. However, you have the ability to escape Scyphozia and return to the su...
I suffer terribly from insomnia - husband doesn't help with his laptop on til all hours and then waking me up on his toilet trips and once woken I can't get back to sleep, sometimes for 2 or 3 hours. I often wake up shattered, even if my Fitbit says I've had 7+ hours sleep....
It’s difficult to be woken up during this stage — and if you do, you can expect to feel groggy and “out of it.” Typically, deep sleep occurs within an hour of falling asleep and you usually get more deep sleep during the earlier part of the night. (More on why that matters ...