Deep-water fishes in the Coral Sea are known from expeditions targeting specific areas and often linked to fisheries; many species remain to be properly described. The expedition HALIPRO 2 sampled deepichthyofaunabetween 230 and 1860m in the southeastern Coral Sea, and 40% of the collected speci...
the need for irrigation water compared to areas with deep water tables. 地下水埋深浅,植物可以直接从土壤汲取所需水 量, 与 埋 深大 的 地 区 相比 ,显 著减少灌溉需水。 [...] link between Radisson and the possible future sight of a deep-water port in Whapmagoos...
The only instrument that can map the significant wave height globally is the satellite altimeter. However, altimeters cannot detect wave direction and the observation interval is rather long. Satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can provide an estimate of the directional spectrum, but it is not...
This research was funded by North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation with additional support from BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance. Author information Author notes York Paul H. and Rasheed Michael A. contributed equally to this work. Authors and Affiliations Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem...
Moreover, cameras must be protected from the high water pressure, e.g. by housings with thick glass ports, which can lead to refractive distortions in images. Additionally, no satellite navigation is available to support localization. All these issues render deep sea visual mapping a challenging ...
The largest container ship to ever sail Nigerian waters was successfully berthed at the Lekki Deep Seaport on Sunday, January 21, 2024, marking the beginning of a new age of trade facilitation for the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA). The “Maersk Edirne” is a massive container ship that ...
The dendrogram and heat map from the hierarchical clustering showed that relevant parameters characterising the adaptive and maladaptive stage in female rats (Fig. 6b) were predominantly RV driven, comparable to male cohorts. End systolic dilatation of the LV was a particular feature of females, poss...
But there are limits to how many new terminals the area can accommodate: "While entry through ports in the Gulf of Mexico allows for greater access to the pipeline grid and the associated gas treating infrastructure, there is not an unlimited number of potential sites for regas facili- ties,...
The transportation industry contributes significantly to climate change through carbon dioxide (CO2\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength...
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