稍微搜一下怎么拷贝一个列表,发现这个是有专有名词的,叫做“深浅拷贝”(copy,deepcopy)。我原来直接赋值的写法只是将内存地址的引用传递到一个新的对象里,连浅拷贝都算不上。 Python的拷贝有一个专门的模块,叫做copy。 浅拷贝 importcopy;>>> l=[1,2,3,[4,5],6]>>> c=copy.copy(l)>>>id(l)391959...
https://iaman.actor/blog/2016/04/17/copy-in-python大佬总结的很好。 copy其实就是shallow copy,与之相对的是deep copy 结论: 1.对于简单的object,shallow copy和deep copy没什么区别 >>>importcopy>>> origin = 1 >>> cop1 =copy.copy(origin)#cop1 是 origin 的shallow copy>>> cop2 =copy.deep...
Copy Module We use thecopymodule of Python for shallow and deep copy operations. Suppose, you need to copy the compound list sayx. For example: import copy copy.copy(x) copy.deepcopy(x) Here, thecopy()return a shallow copy ofx. Similarly,deepcopy()return a deep copy ofx. ...
Python Shallow vs Deep Copy: Here, we are going to learn what are the shallow copy and deep copy in Python programming language? Submitted by Sapna Deraje Radhakrishna, on October 03, 2019 In python, the assignment operator does not copy the objects, instead, they create bindings between an...
copy --- 浅层 (shallow) 和深层 (deep) 复制操作 首先定义了一个Bus类;self.passenger属性为列表,用于存储数据;pick方法是上车人员;drop方法是下车人员 class Bus: def __init__(self, passenger=None): if passenger is None: self.passenger = [] ...
三,Shallow copy和Deep copy的区别 Python document中是这么说的: Ashallow copyconstructs a new compound object and then (to the extent possible) insertsreferencesinto it to the objects found in the original. Adeep copyconstructs a new compound object and then, recursively, insertscopiesinto it of...
Python 拷贝对象(深拷贝deepcopy与浅拷贝copy) 转自http://greybeard.iteye.com/blog/1442259 1. copy.copy 浅拷贝 只拷贝父对象,不会拷贝对象的内部的子对象。 2. copy.deepcopy 深拷贝 拷贝对象及其子对象 python代码块...python中的“深拷贝”和“浅拷贝” copy 直接给例子 以下所有操作都是基于 a ...
那么为什么会有 shallow copy 这样的「假」 copy 存在呢? 这就是有意思的地方了。 python的数据存储方式 Python 存储变量的方法跟其他 OOP 语言不同。它与其说是把值赋给变量,不如说是给变量建立了一个到具体值的 reference。 当在Python 中 a = something 应该理解为给 something 贴上了一个标签 a。当再赋...
This tutorial covers Shallow and Deep copy concept in python using the copy module with simple code examples to understand the concept.
How to use deep copy in python? To avoid the problem discussed while doing shallow copy, we will use the deepcopy() method. The deepcopy() method creates a copy of every element in the object recursively and doesn’t copy references.This can be done as follows. ...