Information about Deep sea fishes, Animals, Explorations, Foods, Creatures, Games, Underwater explorations, Deep sea research, adventures and news
Seaweed resources and distribution in deep waters from Dhanushkodi to Kanyakumari, TamilnaduThe deepwater seaweed resources survey was carried out during 1986-1991 at the depths ranging from 5 to 22 m in Tamilnadu coast from Dhanushkodi to Kanyakumari. The vegetation of seaweeds and sea grasses ...
Deep Sea, an underwater adventure from the filmmakers behind the successful IMAX® film Into the Deep, transports audiences deep below the ocean surface. Through the magic of IMAX® ; and IMAX, moviegoers will swim with some of the planets most unique, dangerous and colorful creatures, ...
The major deepwater areas in the world are offshore Brazil, West Africa, and in the Gulf of Mexico—for example, oil production takes place at water depths of 10,000 ft offshore Brazil. Although river deltas are promising areas for exploration, the sea bottom outside the large river ...
TheDeepwater Horizon(DWH) oil spill was unique because unlike most oil spills, a substantial fraction of the released oil was deposited on deep-sea floor as both particulate oil close to the Macondo well and as oily floc further from the well. In late 2010/2011 and in 2014, benthic macro...
Proceedings of the Symposium on Living Resources of the Seas around India The recent exploratory trawling operations conducted by some of the larger vessels of the Indo-Norwegian Project have indicated immense potentialities of deep-sea prawns along the upper continental slope off the South-West Coast...
Shenhai Yihao, or Deep Sea No. 1, China's first homegrown ultra-deepwater gas field project, was completed on Thursday after the construction of its second phase came to an end. The achievement sets a major milestone for the country's self-reliance in accessing deep-sea resources and shows...
DeGruy is famous for his underwater filmmaking. He travelled the world, recording life in the sea for the BBC, PBS, the Discovery Channel, and National Geographic. He didn’t set out to be a filmmaker, however. As a graduate student, the founder of Nautilus fitness equipment gave DeGruy...
The deep sea comprises a collection of heterogeneous habitats including abyssal plain, hydrothermal vents, continental margins, cold water corals, seamounts, hadal zone, and oxygen minimum zones that nest numerous life forms [34]. Although the deep-sea area is geographically greater, the census of ...
However, the offshore continental shelf water region, with a depth less than 200 m, is only 7.49% of the total area of the ocean. Due to this existing disparity, we must vigorously search for resources from the deep sea. Potential Oil and Gas Resources in the Deep Sea The ...