deep-sea 英[ˈdi:pˈsi:]美[ˈdipˈsi] 释义 常用 牛津词典 adj. 深海的,远洋的; 双语例句 全部 1. a deep-sea diver 深海潜水员 来自牛津词典 2. deep-sea fishing/diving 深海捕鱼 / 潜水 来自牛津词典 3. ...deep-sea diving. 深海潜水 来自柯林斯高阶英语词典 4. ...a deep-sea fish...
deep-sea 音标['di:p'si:] deep-sea是什么意思、deep-sea怎么读 deep-sea汉语翻译 a. 深海的, 在深海的 deep-sea英语解释 形容词 deep-sea: of or taking place in the deeper parts of the sea deep-sea详细解释 deep-sea adj.(形容词)
Deep sea指的是深海。以下是详细解释:1. 基本定义:Deep sea,即深海,是指海洋的深层部分,远离陆地的水域。这部分水域由于深度巨大,受到的光线、压力和温度等自然条件都与表层水域有着显著的不同。2. 环境条件:深海环境极为特殊,通常黑暗、无光照,压力巨大。水温随着深度的增加而逐渐降低。这里的...
In the literature, the rate and modes of renewal of the Red Sea deep waters are poorly constrained, with bulk residence time estimates ranging from a few decades to a few centuries. In our model, the deep water renewal rate is directly dependent on the magnitude of the 3He sources. The ...
Define Deep-sea exploration. Deep-sea exploration synonyms, Deep-sea exploration pronunciation, Deep-sea exploration translation, English dictionary definition of Deep-sea exploration. n. The exploration and scientific study of the ocean and its phenomen
DEEP SEA VESSEL WITH DEEP SEA WATER DISCHARGING PRESSUREPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a facility for discharging a large amount of seawater in deep sea.SHIMA SEIYU島 晴勇
。『DEEP SEA..镇楼啊镇楼~~放大后更挫了啊。。。@内谁丶你是我哒@解元解元@单翼茵塔@笙歌夜影@竹子397@离若Crying@欣欣至尊@内谁丶你是我哒@竹子397...剩下来你们帮我来艾特吧我真不知道找谁了0.0
deep adj. 深的; 深远的,深奥; 重大的,深刻的; 强烈的,痛切的,深厚的 n. 深处,深渊 adv. 深深地,深入地 它有adv的意思,不一定要加ly
A deep-sea, high-speed, stereo imaging system is developed to study natural seep bubbles/droplets.The imaging system allows precise measurement of particle size while mounted on a ROV.Clathrate hydrate formation on natural gas bubbles was evaluated using high-speed imaging.The imaging system has be...
。『DEEP SEA..我们大后天就要期末考了,由于紧张心理,我特意开了这个水贴,大家都尽管来这里水吧!要考试的童鞋都来这里盖楼吧!不考试的欧巴桑们也可以来这里跟着吐槽噢……总之,吐槽更健康!