Game Name: Deep Rock Galactic Game Process (Steam): FSD-Win64-Shipping.exe Game Process (UWP): FSD-WinGDK-Shipping.exe Game Version: 1.36.70593.0 Game Engine: Unreal Engine Engine Version: 4.27.20 Game DLL: - Anti-Cheat: - Config Folder: Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEdito...
Re: [Steam & Windows] Deep Rock Galactic (CT, Mods, Cheat Codes, SaveGame) PostbyHenryEx»Mon May 09, 2022 9:46 pm Well, the CE wiki says this about the error: With this (since CE 6.7) you have access to thememrecandsyntaxcheckvariables,memrecis the memory record the script is...