Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor can be found on Steam, where players can purchase the Early Access version of this game which is developed by Funday Games and distributed by Ghost Ship Publishing.To install the game, users simply need to click on the install button and leave the Steam client ...
深岩银河 幸存者(Deep Rock Galactic Survivor)v0.3d免安装中文版【下载】链接:https://pan.quark....
《深岩银河:幸存者(Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor)》是由Funday Games制作,Ghost Ship Publishing发行的一款单人生存射击游戏,充分利用《深岩银河》的全套武器库,对付成群的外星致命生物、挖掘宝藏,并解锁升级强力装备。以一矮人之力,对抗整个霍克斯星球!
About Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is a spin-off of the popular cooperative first-person shooter video game Deep Rock Galactic, offering a top-down auto-shooter experience and stylized visuals set in the same universe. In this game, players control a dwarf who ...
游戏名称:深岩银河:幸存者 英文名称:Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor 游戏类型:射击类(STG)游戏 游戏...
《深岩银河:幸存者》是一款类幸存者游戏。利用深岩银河集团的各式武器,抵御成群的致命虫群,挖掘财宝,解锁强力升级。以一矮人之力,对抗整个霍克斯星球! 配置要求 最低配置: 需要64 位处理器和操作系统 操作系统:Win 10 处理器:Intel i5-4590 or similar ...
深岩银河:幸存者/Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor 更新至v0.4.19D-容量2.92GB 天亦网 11月16日 13:36发布 关注私信 0149620 ---正文内容展示,开始汲取新知识啦--- 游戏介绍 《深岩银河:幸存者》是一款类幸存者游戏。利用深岩银河集团的各式武器,抵御成群的致命虫群,挖掘财宝,解锁强力升级。以一矮人之力,对抗...
「3A游戏资源库」深岩银河幸存者(Deep Rock Galactic Survivor)免安装版中文游戏下载 《深岩银河 幸存者》是一款充满挑战的类幸存者游戏。在游戏中,你将化身为一名勇敢的矮人,身处于危机四伏的霍克斯星球。你需要运用深岩银河集团提供的各种武器,与成群的致命虫群展开激战,同时还要深入挖掘财宝,获取强力升级。
深岩银河:幸存者DRG: Survivor / DRGSDeep Rock Galactic: Survivor Funday Games 2024-02-14 - . -7.4 中文 0想玩13在玩144玩过115已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 暂无评分- . -会员评分7.4 《深岩银河:幸存者》是一款类幸存者游戏。利用深岩银河集团的各式武器,抵御成群的致命...
Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor is a single player survivor-like auto-shooter. Wield the full arsenal of Deep Rock Galactic, take on hordes of lethal aliens, mine riches, and unlock powerful upgrades. It's one dwarf against all of Planet Hoxxes!REVERSE BULLET HELL, WITH MININGKill bugs, upgrad...