Gold-Tier Employee Earn a Gold promotion. 5.90% (533.00) Pro-Team Earn Silver Promotions for all four dwarves. 4.33% (726.00) Legendary-Team Earn Gold Promotions for all four dwarves. 2.79% (1127.00) Exploring My Options You unlocked a new primary and secondary weapon for the same ch...
Full list of all 67 Deep Rock Galactic achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. It takes around 300-500 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Xbox One.
Promotion is a kind of Prestige system in Deep Rock Galactic, whichallows players to earn Honor Badges and further develop their character after reaching the maximum level. Once you have gained the 25th level of experience the assignment board will receive a new task with a number of missions...
Deep Rock Galactic 评分 1000 点数 67 个数 成就列表 Approved Greenbeard 描述: Complete your first assignment 点数:25G | 0条攻略 If Only I Got Paid For This... 描述: In the Barrel Hoop game, achieve a score of 3000 or more in less than 100 kicks. ...