据RoadtoVR报道,丹麦游戏工作室Ghost Ship Games发布了旗下多人洞穴冒险游戏「Deep Rock Galactic」包括全新武器、任务、怪物、道具以及VR启动插件在内的重大更新。 Ghost Ship Games表示这并不意味游戏推出了VR版本,但VR MOD开发者可以基于该VR启动插件开发VR模式。 工作室还表示VR插件的发布部分要归功于Reddit用户El...
据RoadtoVR报道,丹麦游戏工作室Ghost Ship Games发布了旗下多人洞穴冒险游戏「Deep Rock Galactic」包括全新武器、任务、怪物、道具以及VR启动插件在内的重大更新。 Ghost Ship Games表示这并不意味游戏推出了VR版本,但VR MOD开发者可以基于该VR启动插件开发VR模式。 工作室还表示VR插件的发布部分要归功于Reddit用户El...
would have to be something special, which is why we have crammed as much into this Special Edition as we could. We are excited that new fans and old alike will be able to own a physical version of the game on PS5." said Mikkel Martin Pedersen, Game Director on Deep Rock Galactic. ...
How do you promote your character in Deep Rock Galactic Reddit? You canpromote a class as many times as you want. The first time you receive a perk slot, after that you get stripes. Three each for bronze, silver, and gold. After you promote the ninth time and have achieved gold3, yo...
Deep Rock Galactic is far more than the sum of its parts.Posted By Pramath | On 24th, May. 2020Facebook Twitter RedditThere is absolutely no shortage of survival games on the marketplace today. Indeed, the last decade has been a veritable explosion of those kinds of titles, as the ...
Ghost Ship Games—known as the developer behind co-op shooterDeep Rock Galactic—has announced that it is launching a new publishing label. Dubbed Ghost Ship Publishing, the company revealed that the decision was made after its acquisition by Embracer Group. ...
Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor, which is a survivor-type spinoff of the Left 4 Dead-esque shooter, Deep Rock Galactic, has recently dug into the early access phase. And while it’s been having a positive and promising reception, it’s a little too hard for certain players with some...
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多年来,Reddit用户Bulk-Detonator也被称为Mat,在数百万购买了《Deep Rock Galactic》的用户中,他的游戏经历就像他们一样不寻常,尤其是因为《Deep Rock Galactic》激励了他成为一名真正的矿工。这件事发生在2021年左右,马特说当时他正处于人生的低谷,陷入了一份“没有出路的工作”,自尊心很低。就在那时,他发现了深...