Tutorial: Deep Reinforcement Learning David Silver, Google DeepMind 教程:深度强化学习 Reinforcement Learning in a nutshell RL is a general-purpose framework for decision-making RL is for an agent with the capacity to act Each action influence...
Deep Reinforcement Learning深度增强学习可以说发源于2013年DeepMind的Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning 一文,之后2015年DeepMind 在Nature上发表了Human Level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning一文使Deep Reinforcement Learning得到了较广泛的关注,在2015年涌现了较多的Deep Reinforcement Learning的成果。
DeepLearning Tutorial 一. 入门资料 完备的 AI 学习路线,最详细的中英文资源整理 ⭐ AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NL Machine-Learning 数学基础 矩阵微积分 机器学习的数学基础 CS229线性代数与概率论基础 机器学习基础 快速入门 机器学习算法地图 ...
Deep Learning tutorial helps you learn about deep learning, how it is related to Machine Learning and AI. Also, learn about basics of Artificial Neural Networks.
DeepLearning Tutorial 一. 入门资料 数学基础 机器学习基础 快速入门 深入理解 深度学习基础 快速入门 计算机视觉 自然语言处理 深度强化学习 深入理解 一些书单 工程能力 二. 神经网络模型概览 CNN 发展史 教程 Action GAN 发展史 教程 Action RNN 发展史 ...
Rich Sutton, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation, Joelle Pineau, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning Summer School,2016;http://videolectures....
ROS Reinforcement Learning Tutorial POMDP for Dummies Scholarpedia articles on: Reinforcement Learning Temporal Difference Learning Repository with useful MATLAB Software, presentations, and demo videos Bibliography on Reinforcement Learning UC Berkeley - CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Fall 2015 (John Sc...
• Reinforcement learning= can choose complex actions OpenAI OpenAI2016年6月21日宣布了其主要目标,包括制造“通用”机器人和使用自然语言的聊天机器人。 近期发展 Q-learning V. Mnih, K. Kavukcuoglu, D. Silver, A. Graves, I. Antonoglou, et al. “Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning”...
DeepLearning Tutorial 一. 入门资料 完备的 AI 学习路线,最详细的中英文资源整理 ⭐ AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NL Machine-Learning 数学基础 矩阵微积分 机器学习的数学基础 CS229线性代数与概率论基础 机器学习基础 快速入门 机器学习算法地图 ...
Deep Reinforcement Learning 3. Pytorch DEEP LEARNING WITH PYTORCH: A 60 MINUTE BLITZ This tutorial aims at giving a high-level overview of PyTorch’s Tensor library and neural networks Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch The next best progression after learning the basics of PyTorch would be to...